Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Celebrating Leap Day...Sort Of

Here it is, leap day, and I couldn't think of a single pertinent thing to post.  So, I thought I'd just tell you about something fun coming up: Bloggiesta!

I was hoping to do this awesome blog-fixer-upper event again, and even though the lovely Natasha of Maw Books isn't hosting, two of my other favorites are: Suey of It's All About Books and Danielle of There's a Book.

Not sure what Bloggiesta is?  Here's the run down, from Suey's blog:
"Bloggiesta is a three day event where participants will spend as much time as they can working on fixing all those pesky blog related tasks.... all those things that you think "some day I'm going to clean that up, or change that around, or add that thing!" Everyone will post a "to do" list, or goals they want to accomplish and then all of us will work together to get our lists done."

So, prepare yourselves for this coming March 30, 31, and April 1 - it's time to spruce up those drooping blog sidebars!  For more info, check out the intro posts on It's All About Books and There's a Book.  Also, sign-ups are available for hosting mini-challenges, so leap (ok, I had to have one bad pun) into that if you want.  Yeah for improving the old, boring blog (I so need this)!

Are you participating this year?  What are you hoping to improve on your blog?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Thanks for the shout out! We'll have a linky up tomorrow (if I can make it work!) for bloggers to let us know if they are participating. You are one step ahead now! :)

  2. I'm doing this! I'm so excited! I want to add stats to my blog since GFC has left us and add wordpress plugins :) And maybe some more social media icons. So many things to do....

    1. I know! It seems like my dream list is a bit too terrifying to actually start.

  3. Thank you so much for the mention! Tomorrow's the big day for participants and I'm excited to see all the folks joining in again & new. It should be a blast! I know I definitely need to spend some time "fixing things up". :o)

    1. I'm excited you and Suey are keeping Bloggiesta alive! So happy to have an excuse to improve.

  4. I am really looking forward to this. It's so hard to get myself to work on these sorts of things and Bloggiesta makes it fun!

    1. Totally agreed. I have very little motivation to improve, except during Bloggiesta.


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