Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Book Review: Tuesdays at the Castle by Jessica Day George

Posted as part of Tween Tuesday, hosted by GreenBeanTeenQueen.
Tuesdays at the Castle by Jessica Day George
Publisher: Bloomsbury Childrens
Publication date: October 2011
Pages: 240
Source: Library
For: Cybils
Series: Yes, this is Book 1

Castle Glower is not your everyday garden variety castle.  It is constantly changing, moving around, creating new rooms or closets or stairs.  When Celie's parents disappear, though, things become a lot more difficult at home.  Diplomats from other countries are trying to take over the throne.  Can the Glower children protect their parents' throne - and the kingdom - with the help of their castle?

Things I Liked:
I fell in love with the castle right on the first page. This sweet and funny adventure in a castle with a personality all its own was such a delight to read! The Glower children were also fun to read about, Celie of course being my favorite. I liked the nice combination of the silly, funny, and serious that made this one a light but thoughtful book. Definitely a fun new series for MG fans looking for magic and castles.  Sweet and just what one expects of a mg fantasy.  It even has some boy appeal, if they can get past the girly cover (which, is a big "if").

Things I Didn't Like:
I was just a touch disappointed in the ending, since it seemed a bit hurried, unexplained, and convenient. There were some hard things to face, but it almost seemed like they were too easily taken care of. Not much in the way of explanation for Celie's parents being gone so long, particularly as this is a big plot point. But, still an enjoyable read.

Dragon Slippers series by Jessica Day George
Princess Ben by Catherine Gilbert Murdock
Anything Gail Carson Levine
Once Upon a Marigold by Jean Ferris

s-factor: none 

mrg-factor: none 

v-factor: none 

Overall rating: ****

Would you want to live in a castle that is constantly changing?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. I think it would be cool to live in a castle that was constantly changing. I'm having such a hard time with MG book lately, though. :(

    1. Come to this one when you are ready for a little fun MG!

  2. I think this one sounds really cute. I have yet to read a lot of middle grade and this might just have to be one I check out.

    Thanks for the great review. I think the idea of a castle that is always changing sounds just slightly like Harry Potter but more focus on where they live, sounds cool.

    1. It is a bit HP ish, though it plays a much bigger role in this book. Hope you check it out!

  3. My eleven year old boy didn't bat an eyelash at the cover (and loved the book)...however, his little brother is refusing to read it. There is no predicting what they will pick up and what they will refuse!

    1. Good to know some will love it despite the cover! How funny :)

  4. I actually just started reading this today and am so in love with the castle. I wish my house had secret passageways and magically appearing rooms.

    1. I think it would be so fun! Imagine the hide-and-seek possibilities.

  5. I liked this one a lot, too. It didn't TOTALLY knock my socks off the way I wanted it to, but I still found it really enjoyable. My 10 yo daughter loved it as well.

    1. It didn't blow me away, but I loved the time I spent in the castle. That ending held me back, though.

  6. I read this one aloud to my 8 year old, who adored it. Just the right balance of magic and funny and tension. Though I agree with you about the ending.

    1. I guess I need to share it with nieces and nephews, cause it sounds like so much fun to share!


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