Friday, January 13, 2012

I Actually NEED It 12

I Actually NEED It is an extremely irregular feature where I express my desire, or rather need, for certain books that haven't come out or aren't available at my library yet.  To learn about the reason behind the name, check out my inaugural I Actually NEED It post.

It's about time for a new year's post about books I NEED.  Here they are, taunting me with their publication dates:

The Agency 3: The Traitor in the Tunnel by Y.S. Lee
The Agency series is one of the few straight-up mystery series I've been able to read and enjoy.  So excited for more Mary adventures!  Coming February 2012.

Partials by Dan Wells
This sounds like an interesting premise for another dystopian/futuristic book riding the wave of popularity.  What can I say, I'm still addicted to them!  Coming February 2012.

A Breath of Eyre by Eve Marie Mont
Dropping into the pages of Jane Eyre?  Yes, please.  Plus, it fits so nicely with my Classic Double Challenge.  Coming March 2012.

Out of Sight, Out of Time by Ally Carter
I've slowly been sucked into the secret world of the Gallagher Girls and the last few in particular have been increasingly exciting.  Finally coming March 2012!

The Savage Grace by Bree Despain
Final book in the Dark Divine series, one of the few paranormal romances I've been able to handle lately.  Coming March 2012.

Seeds of Rebellion by Brandon Mull
I really enjoyed the first Beyonders book, and its a fun new series from the Fablehaven author, so yes please to this one, coming March 2012.

Black Heart by Holly Black
I'm also addicted to this Mafia-magic series and looking forward to the final book in the Curse Workers series.  (But what's with the funky cover? I totally prefer this one that matches the other two books.) Coming in April 2012.

Insurgent by Veronica Roth
One of my fave dystopians from last year has a sequel?  Well, of course it does!  Anxiously awaiting May 2012!

The Drowned Cities by Paolo Bacigalupi
This book is considered a companion to Ship Breaker (which, in and of itself makes it more desirable to me than a straight-up sequel).  I'm certainly hoping we get a little more Tool in this book!  Coming May 2012.

Bitterblue by Kristin Cashore
Yeah, everyone has already talked about this one, but just in case you missed it, the last in the sorta-series with Graceling and Fire, two fabulous fantasy books.  Finally coming May 2012.

What books do you NEED this year?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Oh Bitterblue and Insurgent are on my list, too. Can't wait for spring!

  2. I've had my eye on those Agency books, but I haven't picked them up yet. The only one I've read from up there is The Dark Divine, but I haven't got the second one yet. :P

  3. I NEED most of these too! I hate the new covers to the Curse Worker series, though. :(

  4. It looks like I've got the first (and second in some cases) books in several series to read before I even get to some of the 2012 releases! :)

    My 12yo son and I are both excited about Seeds of Rebellion.

  5. Ahhhh! A sequel to SHIP BREAKER? I had no idea. I'm so excited. I've got several of the titles you mentioned on my list as well, athough there are a couple I've never heard of. I'll be anxious to see what you think of them all!

  6. I did not know the next Agency and Gallaghers Girls books were coming out so soon--hooray! (I definitely need them.)

    1. Yes! I know I've been impatiently waiting to hear about them coming out.

  7. Melissa, I know! So many to look forward to.

    Bluerose, the Agency books are awesome, especially if you like historical fiction and mystery.

    Jenny, I totally agree on those covers. Such a downgrade!

    alison, oh I love those books! Thanks for the reminder.

    Susan, I think it's not a straight up sequel, more of a companion. Still!


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