Thursday, October 6, 2011

Community Events: Stuff I Should Have Posted About Earlier

So, I'm completely slower-than-average about posting community events, but I just wanted to do the better-late-than-never shout out to two I'll be participating in:
First up, Dewey's 24-hour read-a-thon is coming up on October 22nd and I will be hosting the Book Puzzle Mini-Challenge again.  I seriously doubt I'll have much time to commit to reading this time, but I can't seem to pass the event by completely.  If you're partcipating, be sure to drop by and check out the mini-challenge, even if you don't plan to do it.  If you haven't signed up yet, be sure to head to the sign-up page and do it (you know, if you want, no pressure :)
And second, it's Cybils time!  Nominations for books are open (if you haven't heard, they've been open for a while now) so check out what's been nominated and get your favorites on the list!  Also, I'm on the Round 2 Judging Panel again this year for MG Fantasy/Sci-Fi, so be sure to nominate some awesome books in that category :)  I'm so excited to do this again, since it's always a treat working with people to pick a book we can all agree best fits the Cybils criteria. 
Are you participating in these events?  Any other community events I should know about?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Yeeeeah! Readathon!!! Love that event. I can't wait!! I wanted to host a minichallenge but am co-chairing the cheerleading committee instead. It'll be my first time being more involved and I'm excited!

  2. Congrats on being a CYBILs judge again.:)

  3. Erin, I think the next time I can't be a reader, I'm going to go for a cheerleader. I'm so excited too!

    Andie, thank you!


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