Thursday, September 29, 2011

Provo City Library: More (No Longer) Local Love

It's now been almost six months since we left behind this library, but I thought it was still appropriate to honor the Provo City Library in a Libraries Around the World post. 

This is a shot of the front of the building.  This library is kind of unique, because it was placed in the remodeled Brigham Young Academy building.


The library itself occupies only about half of the building, though, and the other half includes offices and rooms for events and receptions (including a gorgeous ballroom where I attended several author events).  In fact, all of the photos I took are of the non-library part, but many library events take place in this other part, so I figured it was ok.

A lovely staircase leading to the ballroom and other rooms for events.

I love this little hallway - the ceiling is made of glass so the sun shines through and makes it bright and happy.  On the other side of the stained glass window is the upper floor of the library.

This library, though fairly new (I think 2001), has a fantastic number (and caliber) of authors that visit every year. They also host the wonderful children's book festival and teen book fest every year with loads of local authors and activities.  As you can see, it is a perfect example of a community-centered library.  And oh, how I miss it!

Do you have a fabulous community-building library?

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  1. Back in my newlywed days, I lived across the street from the old Academy Building. I wish it had been a big, beautiful library then! I still haven't been inside - I need to go check it out one of these days. Thanks for the reminder :)

  2. I love this library too and I'm glad they have so many awesome events. I wish you were here still to come see them all.

  3. What great pictures you've posted here! When I was first married (following in Susan's footsteps here) I went to this library a lot, only then it was located on the corner of Center Street and 100 East in Provo. Sort of in a house like building. Very tiny. It's so weird to think back to those days and realize that it's actually the same library.

  4. Susan, definitely worth a visit - and I'm sure it would be fun nostalgia too :)

    Jenny, me too!

    Suey, sadly, I never went to the library before it moved. I'm glad they moved though, because the expansion was such a great thing for them!


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