Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Book Review: Paranormalcy by Kiersten White

Paranormalcy by Kiersten White
Publisher: HarperTeen
Publication date: September 2010
ISBN: 9780061985843
Source: Purchased


Evie has spent most of her life working with IPCA - the International Paranormal Control Agency - bagging and tagging such creatures as vampires, hags, and others. Her ability to detect paranormals has served her well in see what others don't. But, when a mysterious and hot paranormal shows up, a king she's never heard of before, Evie begins to question the agency and what she knows about herself.

Things I Liked:
Um, Evie of course.  She's so awesome - so kick-butt and sarcastic and just plain fun.  I wanted more from her.  Much more.  The story was pretty fun, but honestly it was the characters that had me coming back for more.  Lend was interesting and Reth was full of surprises and I liked Lish a lot too.  The paranormal angle was so refreshingly fun and not-nauseating and so spoofy fun that I think I fell in love with paranormal romance all over again.  Thank you Kiersten White!  Fun quote:

I sighed.  I hate the vamp jobs.  They think they're so suave.  It's not enough for them to slaughter and eat you like a zombie would.  No, they want it to be all sexy, too.  And, trust me: vampires?  Not. Sexy.  I mean, sure, their glamours can be pretty hot, but the dry-as-bone corpse bodies shimmering underneath?  Nothing attractive there.  Not that anyone else can see them, though.  p 2
Things I Didn't Like:
I think I got a bit hung up on what was actually happening in the story.  I'm not sure if I was just confused or if I was just as in the dark as Evie about IPCA and other paranormals.  Either way, I'll be devouring Supernaturally as fast as possible.

I don't know, maybe a bit like The Darkest Powers series by Kelley Armstrong

s-factor: none
bleep :)

mrg-factor: none
well, some kissing 

v-factor: ->
just a little bit of action violence

Overall rating: ****

Honestly can't think of anything quite like this, can you?

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  1. I really liked Paranormalcy, especially because of how light and funny it was. Sometimes I think paranormal books take themselves too seriously, so this was a nice change. I hope you like Supernaturally, too. :)

  2. I'm going to try to get to this one next month...hopefully.

  3. kathy, exactly! I'm glad it has the guts to laugh at itself :) And I have Supernaturally right here waiting for me :)

    Jenny, ah the overwhelming TBR pile...this one will hopefully be such fun though!

  4. Like you I really enjoyed "Paranormalcy" I just finished reading it not long ago and just HAD to go out and get "Supernaturally". I'm yet to read the latter though.

    Thoroughly enjoyed your review, as you I was gripped from the first few pages. I really enjoyed the originality of the story, there are heaps of paranormal genre being released as of late and it's hard to stand out from the crowd, but I believe White did an excellent job in doing so.

    Looking forward to your review of "Supernaturally".

  5. Angelica, I totally agree it stands out from the crowd! I'm hoping I get to Supernaturally soon, too.


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