Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Book Review: The Giver by Lois Lowry

Posted as part of Tween Tuesday, hosted by GreenBeanTeenQueen.
The Giver by Lois Lowry
Publisher: Delacorte Books for Young Readers
Publication date: 1993
ISBN: 9780385732550
Source: Library audiobook

The Giver 

When Jonas is chosen for a job that he never expected, Receiver of memory, he is about to learn all kinds of things about his community and his family.  Every day he receives memories from the Giver and he learns a little bit more about how his settlement works and just what they might have given up.  Will he have the courage to make hard decisions that might affect everyone he knows?

Things I Liked:
This is a perfect classic dystopian story and it never gets old.  I love how slowly and carefully Lowry reveals things about the society and what is really going on.  I love how we discover, along with Jonas, all the things that the Giver knows and remembers.  It is such a unique and interesting world that you can't help but feel and hurt right along with the characters.  I listened to this one on audio and I really enjoyed it just as much as reading it.  What I noticed this time around was just how strange the idea of a memory-keeper would be and how impossible, yet plausible, the future society Lowry has created seems.  One of the best dystopian books ever.

Things I Didn't Like:
I have to admit I was slightly bothered by the voice our narrator used for Jonas.  Yes, he's only 11 or 12 during the story, but he sounded like a very whiny seven-year-old.  It made it harder to believe the things he dealt with and learned.  I would have liked a slightly more mature voice.  Still, it was not too distracting, since I still enjoyed the story.  There is still stuff I don't think I'll ever figure out about Lowry's future vision.

Matched by Ally Condie

Maybe a little like Delirium by Lauren Oliver - for the world-building
Gathering Blue and Messenger by Lois Lowry (which are kind of sequels) 

s-factor: none
well, maybe a very few, but honestly I can't remember

mrg-factor: none

v-factor: ->
more like mature stuff, not really violence

Overall rating: *****

Anybody not read this? Anybody read and not liked this? I'd love to hear opposing opinions :)

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  1. I'm one of the few it seems like who haven't read this! It's neat that this was dystopian before it was all the rage. Good review!

  2. Can you believe I haven't read this one yet? Ridiculous! I did just buy it yesterday so now maybe I'll get to it...one day.

  3. Bailey, that's probably one of the reasons I like it so much!

    Jenny, hopefully not too far in the future :)

  4. I've read this book a couple of times and have enjoyed it each time that I've read it. I've been meaning to read the sequels for some time now. This is one of those books that just begs for discussion...maybe I should go for another reread!

  5. samantha, I think it would be an awesome book club book - lots of opportunities for discussion there. I really liked Messenger, but Gathering Blue was kind of forgettable.

    1. worst book ever could have been better

  6. worst book ever could of been alot betta


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