Friday, May 13, 2011

Excuse the Mess...

Oh, wait, you can't see it (thank heavens).  The mess I speak of is in my apartment.  We are getting ready to move, which is why this week and most definitely next week, my posting will be inconsistent (if not nonexistent).  Thanks for all my readers who will be sticking with me through this quiet time.  See you next from the great state of Arizona!

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Good luck with it all! We will miss you, but will see you on the blog! :)

  2. You're moving to Arizona?? Yay! We need more awesome book bloggers out here in the desert. Good luck with the move!

  3. Good luck with the move. I don't envy you. I'll miss you at book club. :(

  4. How exciting! Congrats on your move :)

  5. Best wishes on your move. We'll miss you at our get togethers! Thankfully we can still stop by through your blog to catch up. :)

  6. Looking forward to more great reviews from Arizona. :)

  7. Thank you all so much! I will hopefully be back into full swing shortly - I appreciate your good wishes and support :)


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