Friday, May 13, 2011

Book Review: Bright Blue Miracle by Becca Wilhite

Bright Blue Miracle by Becca Wilhite
Publisher: Deseret Book
Publication date: February 2009
ISBN: 9781606410318
Source: Library

Bright Blue Miracle

Leigh is uncertain if she's ready to share her home, her mom, and her bedroom with her new stepsister Betsy.  But, she's quite certain she isn't ready to share her best friend, Jeremy.  The two of them must learn to get along, which might just require a miracle, before tragedy pulls them apart.

Things I Liked: 

This was sweet, simple, and yet had some good and relatable messages inside.  I felt angry and upset right along with Leigh, even as I saw Betsy struggle to be kind in the face of her frustrations.  I loved the characters, particularly Leigh's grandmother, who works her magic on the two of them.  It was definitely a sweet and uplifting story, with just enough realistic and sad things to keep it balanced.

Things I Didn't Like:
The quick romance Leigh experiences while on vacation was just a little out of place for me.  It didn't feel like it had much of a purpose, except to make Leigh feel better about Betsy and Jeremy.  He kind of appears and then disappears in the plot.  

My Ridiculous Romantic Obsessions by Becca Wilhite

s-factor: none

mrg-factor: none

v-factor: none

Overall rating: ****

I am realizing I don't read enough sweet, simple stories - most contemporary stuff I read are "issue" books or depressing. Any suggestions for me?

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