Monday, November 15, 2010

Listless Monday, Reclining Ladies Edition

Listless Monday was inspired by both Amanda at A Bookshelf Monstrosity's feature Books by Theme and Court at Once Upon a Bookshelf's Listed feature.  Be sure to check out their lists!

Instead of a typical list of books on a topic, I decided to go this week for a more visual group of similar books.  I've noticed a trend recently in what I like to call the "reclining ladies" cover.  This list of books would make an interesting display, if nothing else.

Reclining Ladies Edition

Before I Fall  If I Stay All Unquiet Things
Love You Hate You Miss You Kiss of Death When Rose Wakes
 Far from You Ash Darklight (Wondrous Strange (Quality))
The Dead-Tossed Waves (Forest of Hands and Teeth, Book 2) The Dark and Hollow Places (Forest of Hands and Teeth) Here Lies Bridget (Harlequin Teen)
Front and Center Small Town Sinners Cracked Up to Be
We even have a few reclining ladies with their reclining gentleman too!
Dairy QueenKisses and Lies (Scarlett Wakefield Series)The Secret Life of Prince Charming

Any additions?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. What a great post! How did you come up with all those -- I really didn't realize there were so many. Although I have noticed a lot of wind-blown dresses. Maybe you could do that one next!

  2. I love this post a LOT. I feel like there are even more than this, and I am going to think hard on it.

    Talk about a killer display idea!

  3. Annette, I noticed a lot of recent releases had these kind of covers and I just went with it from there! It did take a lot of searching, though.

    Kelly, thank you! I am quite sure there are lots more. :)


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