Friday, November 12, 2010

Book Review: Tyger Tyger by Kersten Hamilton

Tyger Tyger: A Goblin Wars Book by Kersten Hamilton
Publisher: Clarion Books
Publication date: November 2010
ISBN: 9780547330082

Source: e-book provided by NetGalley

Tyger Tyger: A Goblin Wars Book 

Teagan Wylltson is content with how her life is going - she's on track to get into a great college and loves her job working with animals.  All that changes when Finn Mac Cumhaill shows up.  Suddenly, a world that only existed in her mother's paintings and story books is coming to life.  Finn is a goblin fighter and Teagan learns the goblins are very real.  Can Teagan fight for her life and the lives of those she loves against something mythical?

Things I Liked:
The book is rich with mythology and strange creatures.  I loved the world of Hamilton brings to life, filled with Irish legends.  Mamieo and Finn and others tell fabulous tales of mythology and then we see them happen in Teagan's life.  I definitely thought these creatures and the myths were the best part of the book.

Things I Didn't Like:
I found that I didn't much care for any of the characters, except possibly Aiden.  I wasn't interested in what happened to Teagan or Finn.  Despite the great myths, there was a little too much going on.  Too many characters and creatures and myths to keep straight.  It became confusing and I didn't really want to spend time figuring things out when I just didn't much care for the story.  The romance didn't really capture my interest either.  Interesting premise and great fantasy details, but I didn't like the execution.

Reminded me a bit of the Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa

Also Wondrous Strange by Lesley Livingston

s-factor: !@
a few here and there

mrg-factor: X
talking mostly, no actions

v-factor: ->->
some violence, definitely some frightening images

Overall rating: **

What kind of mythology do you love in stories?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage

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