Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ack! A Library Loot Title

 (hosted by Marg of Adventures of an Intrepid Reader and Eva of A Striped Armchair) 

A very moderate helping of books this week, if I do say so myself.  I only picked up four from the library, which is very conservative.  

Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce (FINALLY!)
The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson
A Song for Summer by Eva Ibbotson
Ballad: A Gathering of Faerie by Maggie Stiefvater

I managed to win a signed copy of Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder from Britt at Book Habitue - super excited, since I love Snyder!

And for review:
The Tower, the Zoo, and the Tortoise by Julia Stuart
What Happened on Fox Street by Tricia Springstubb
The Extraordinary Secrets of April, May, and June by Robin Benway
Dracula in Love by Karen Essex (what was I thinking? :)

Anything good for you this week?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Ohhh I LOVED The Sky Is Everywhere. Hope you enjoy it! I want to read Sisters Red too!

  2. I have a large pile from the library right now and am wondering if I'll make any sort of dent in it. I'm curious -- how long does your library check books out for? (Ours is two weeks, but they can be renewed unless someone else has requested them.) Do you usually have to renew your books like me? :-) I'm always in awe of those who can read all the books they check out before they're due.

  3. I've seen Sisters Red all over the blogsphere but I'm still really interested in hearing your thoughts on it. Enjoy your loot!

  4. the best paranormal I've read for ages. It's a refreshing story that has restored my faith in the genre. It is mix with the down to earth male ove interest and I cant wait to finished the novel. I love it!

  5. Mollie, I've heard wonderful things about it - I'm pretty excited to read it.

    Gayle, I frequent two libraries - both check out for three weeks at a time and one will only allow a renewal if there are no holds. The other one will always allow a renewal (though, some high demand books might not). I definitely renew when I can and I have returned quite a few books unread. It's painful, but I've come to terms with it. The book isn't going to disappear if I don't get to it this time around :)

    samantha, I'm super excited to read it!

    happy, are you talking about Sisters Red or Ballad? Either way, I'm looking forward to a refreshing paranormal...

  6. I just picked up 18 holds. Not even kidding. I'm losing my mind, I think.

    I got the Tower one too. The cover art is cute.

  7. I'm not familiar with most of these titles so I'll be watching for your thoughts on them. Sounds like you've got some good reading there. I've had a great few weeks of one good library choice after another. Glad to find another Library Loot lover. Enjoy your books.

  8. Britt - wow! I think that blows my record out of the water (something like 10 probably). Good luck!

    Sandra, I love it when library choices are just what we needed.

  9. Gotta love being able to use your hold spots and your husbands. lol

    2 down, 16 to go.... Oh, plus the one I already had checked out... 17 to go.

  10. I haven't read any of your "loot" - so I'll be watching for your reviews to see whether I ought to add them to my 'to read' list!

    Happy reading!

  11. I want to read both Sister Red and Ballad! Enjoy!

  12. Enjoy Sisters Red! I loved it.

  13. Britt, I guess I'm lucky enough that my library either doesn't have a hold limit or I've never reached it. :)

    Alison, hopefully I'll actually get to them (just returned about 4 books unread this week).

    Linda, thanks! Hope you get them soon.

    NotNessie, I'm looking forward to the Once Upon a Week discussions for this book.


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