Sunday, June 13, 2010

Bloggiesta, Take 3

And on to day 3.  Wherein I will try to squeeze a bit of time in here and there.  We'll see.  I've gotten about 1 hr 30 min this morning.  I probably won't get back to computer stuff until this evening, since I've got things to do during the day.  I've been working on some Listless Monday posts.  I also realized I'm going to have to go check on some of my old links from tags - but that might have to wait for another day!  

Total time: 15 hrs 30 min

Update 1:  Yeah, I've only had about an hour since I last posted.  Not the most amazing weekend dedicated to the blog.  I may have a bit more time tonight, but I doubt it.  I've done a few final things on my list noted below.  But, for now, I'm posting my final time as: 
Total time: 16 hrs 30 min

It's been a blast when I had the time and thanks for all your kind comments about my progress!  Hopefully I won't put off all the housekeeping until the next Bloggiesta!  Thanks Natasha for being such a fabulous host!

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. GL and WTG with your Bloggiesta Weekend!!

    I found your site via Bookworming in the 21st Century (Read-A-Thon). GL this week. I am now a new follower and look forward to your future postings. If you have time, I can be found here

  2. Congrats on passing your goal and getting so much done. The Bloggiesta's been productive and fun!

  3. CMash, thank you and welcome!

    Michelle, thanks!

  4. One of my goals is to work on some of this stuff in between Bloggiestas too. It's not my favorite part of blogging, but good to get done!

  5. I've really got to do more between Bloggiestas. I really have a hard time motivating myself to do it!


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