Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bloggiesta Day 2

It's a fresh new day for working on the blog and I've finally gotten started again.  I'm bringing the list from yesterday's post to this one to mark my progress.  I'm hoping to work on some aesthetic elements of the blog today.  Be sure to check out my brave new double feature, where I compare/contrast two similar books.  I posted the first review today - I'd love to know what you think.  (You can find it just below this post.)

Update pictures/links
Save a copy of the blog
Add widgets
Organize sidebars
Update blog list
Update archives
Update goodreads
Update challenge posts
Work on tags
Write reviews
Think of post ideas
Think of Listless Monday ideas
Create Listless Monday page
Possibly change header (again :)

Update 1: I've been at it for about 3 hours now and haven't come up with any major changes I'd like for my blog header and style.  I do like blogger's new feature that lets you play with the template.  Perhaps I'll have to put those changes on hold for now.  I have to step away from the computer for a while now, but hopefully I'll have more time this evening.  I also did Puss Reboots mini-challenge and got an email subscription service up for those who don't do RSS feed subscriptions.  You can see that on the left sidebar.  

Total time: 11 hrs 50 min

Update 2: Total fail.  Seriously, I've been so busy from this morning until now (11 pm) that I've only gotten about 2 hr 10 min in the whole time.  What can you do?  And I didn't accomplish something new on the list, but I've been adding tags for the star-ratings from my reviews.  Hopefully those might be useful (though with 100+ items with 4-star reviews, maybe not).  And now I've got to hit the sack because I'm beat.  Hopefully I'll be able to do some more tomorrow, but it's looking pretty full too.  Thanks for all your awesome comments and encouragement!
Total time: 14 hrs

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. My brain is mush. I swear I just commented on your blog. Did I? Did I not? Who knows, commenting again in case I didn't!

    Great list! I love seeing everything crossed off. Let me know if you need help with anything.

  2. Wow! You've been busy. Just trying to get my blog roll updated wore me out. I don't think it will EVER be finished.

    I love the new double feature. Great idea. I only skimmed the post, though, since I just got THE ETERNAL ONES in the mail. Interesting that it's similar to the new Brasheres.

  3. Sounds like you are doing great - and I love the new feature. Also I think your header is great so no need to mess with a great thing! It fits your blog :)

  4. Natasha, no worries! You did comment, but I could always use another :)

    Susan, I'll be interested to know your thoughts on Eternal Ones. And by "updated" I kinda meant I got rid of ones no longer posting or ones that I don't read much. I haven't started adding ones I've started reading.

    Amused, awww you make me feel so good about it! It will probably stay for a while anyway. Thanks!


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