Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dystopian Love and A Giveaway!

As I noted yesterday, I'd love to have attended the dystopian panel for BEA.  Dystopian lit is a new favorite of mine.  Except, it isn't entirely new.  Back in high school, I remember reading and loving Fahrenheit 451.  That was my first taste of this sci-fi futuristic dytopian look at society.  That was followed closely by Nineteen Eighty-Four, which I didn't enjoy quite as much, but still found fascinating.  Those books have stuck with me for all these years, but it wasn't until I picked up Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer that I rediscovered my love.

Ever since I first read this book, I have thought about, written about, and read most anything dystopian I can get my hands on.  I was more recently blown away by Ella Minnow Pea (which doesn't exactly fit the mold, but was similar enough for me to count it), Incarceron, Birthmarked, The Dead-Tossed Waves, Inside Out, The Ask and the Answer, The Maze Runner, and of course Hunger Games.

My appetite seems insatiable when it comes to this, since I am anticipating more delicious dystopian books like Matched by Ally Condie, Monsters of Men by Patrick Ness, Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins, Across the Universe by Beth Revis, and The Passage by Justin Cronin.  I also discovered a delightful new dystopian author blog that fans will want to check out.  All of this is adding up to:

A giveaway of that book that rekindled my fire:
Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer
Life As We Knew It
I just so happen to have recently picked up a second copy (what can I say, it was on sale).  Up for grabs, as part of Armchair BEA is my new paperback copy of Life As We Knew It.  

To enter, leave me a comment telling me your favorite thing about dystopian fiction (and a way for me to contact you). [Edit: US only, sorry.]  This contest will end on Monday, May 31st, winner announced Tuesday.  Good luck!

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Great post! I really enjoy Dystopian books and am currently reading BIRTHMARKED. Have already read most of the book you mentioned (except the Ella one which is new to me).

    You might want to check out the Spectacle Blog on WordPress where several published authors (including me) focus on futuristic mostly-YA books. We're going to be discussing dystopian books in June.

  2. Dystopian fiction is always interesting because it contains an element of believability in it. There's always some aspect of it that could totally happen in our future. It's a fun escape from the everyday, even when it's scary.


  3. I have only read two (The Maze Runner and The Hunger Games) so I am not sure if I am a fan yet or not, but would love to try another one. They seem to run a bit slow in the beginning, at least for me but once I get into them they are not bad. There have been more I have wanted to read just not had a chance to either win the book or buy it.

    Maybe I can win one here..hehe


  4. I loved this post. I too am a fan of Dystopian books. I loved Maragaret Atwood's The Year of the Flood as well as Nineteen Eighty-Four. I have added a few of the books you mentioned to my TBR list.

  5. I LOVE Dystopian lit, mainly because it makes the world we live in feel so much better, lol!

    I'd love to sign up in your giveaway.

    ReadingOnARainyDay AT gmail DOT com

  6. I just finished Inside Out, which I loved. (Though I had the weirdest dreams after finishing it late at night lol)

    I actually remember hating Farhenheit 451 and I've never read 1984. Of the others you mention, Ella Minnow Pea is the only one I've read! Several of the others are on my TBR list though. :D


  7. I don't think I've ever sat down and analyzed why I like dystopian fiction so much, but I've found it entertaining from a young age (probably my parents' fault for letting me watch movies like Planet of the Apes, Logan's Run, and Soylent Green when I was little).

    I think I like to read dystopian stories because they let my imagination run wild, sometimes scare me, but since they are so far out there it doesn't scare me the same way as thrillers or horror stories. If they have sci-fi aspects - even better. :)

    akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com

  8. Happy to have discovered your blog through the awesome ArmchairBEA tweets. I'm showing my age when I say it's been over 30 years since I read 1984 and Fahrenheit 451 in high school so I am excited to learn about the resurgence of interest in dystopian lit.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win a book. I am and librarymar on Twitter.

  9. I also loved Fahrenheit 451, but I have recently really enjoyed The Maze Runner and I am looking forward to the second book in the series coming out in October.

  10. I love that dystopian fiction is often very philosophical and is able to engage the reader with such philosophical contemplation while continuing to entertain.

    Great giveaway! :)


  11. Oh Gah! A girl after my own heart! I adore all things dystopian - I think it's because the characters find themselves in such tough situations and then grow enormously from it that makes it just so compelling. And then there's usually the death and dying thing that is hard to ignore as well! Thanks!

    mmillet at gmail dot com

  12. I really like dystopian books because they cast me into a unique, scary world. They always grip my attention and make me think new thoughts. Though they usually scare me, dystopian books really simulate my imagination! In the end, these books remind me of how lucky I am not to live in a situation like that.

  13. My favorite thing about dystopian fiction is the fact that even though some elements seem unrealistic, it is still possible and that is what makes dystopian fictions and interesting and fascinating read.

    I would love to enter! Thanks!

  14. Great giveaway! I'm a big fan of dystopian fiction, too. It's all the craze!

  15. Great giveaway! I too love dystopian literature. I didn't even know there was a panel at BEA - how fun! I like that dystopian novels are creative - set in a different time/space/government - the author has to think outside of what's going on now.


  16. I love dystopian fiction because it is so distinguished. It is so different from the other genres in YA fiction!

  17. I agree with some of the other comments that the best thing about dystopian fiction is that there is always some aspect of it that seems very real and you can imagine things actually turning out that way. Books like this always get me thinking and keep me thinking for a long time afterward.


  18. I love so many things about dystopian fiction. But, I think the thing I like the best is the reluctant hero as the main character.

  19. Dystopian fiction can be absolutely amazing ... the "what if" and "could be" factor that underlies so many of these stories often make for haunting novels.

    flourishxblotts {at} gmail {dot} com

  20. Melissa, it was fun to see you again at book club. I'm just sad that it won't be meeting for a few months.

    I love dystopian fiction because I love to contemplate the break down and rebuilding of society. I like to see how order is restored, or attempted to be restored.

  21. What an awesome giveaway!! I've heard such amazing things about this book!! Please count me in!!

    I'm not sure why I like dystopian, but I have been attracted to it since I read The Stand by King back in high school. I haven't even read the classics that you mentioned, but I plan to!! Maybe I am just fascinated with how it all seems to fall in each of these books. I've been thinking about this a lot, and still really haven't come up with a satisfying answer!! Anyways . . .

    tiftalksbook at gmail dot com

    Thanks for the chance!

  22. o.O

    You TOTALLY made my day by including my book in your list! Wow! Thank you! I can't quit grinning :)

  23. Thanks for all your comments! It sounds like there are lots of dystopian lovers out there!

    Jessica, I'm a bit sad about the book club not meeting too!

    Beth, it always makes my day when authors comment! I'm looking forward to your book coming out!

  24. If you liked Life As We Knew It try The Things That Keep Us Here by Carla Buckley. It's right from today's headlines and felt just like Pfeffer's book to me.

    I'm with you, this is a genre I am loving all over again!


  25. Gaye, I just heard about that one recently. Now I'll really have to get my hands on it!


Love it when you comment!