Thursday, April 15, 2010

National Library Week!!!

I cannot believe I wasn't on top of it enough this year to remember about National Library Week! (Possibly because it coincides with finals week at my college library.)  I've been seeing lovely posts around other (more on top of it) librarians' blogs and feeling silly for not saying anything.  (Check out Bookworming in the 21st Century, GreenBeanTeenQueen, Abby (the) Librarian, and The Neverending Bookshelf for some.)

The small library where I work is not terribly thrilling to write about, and isn't really a place of community, since only the students attending the private college use it.  But, as you might have noticed by my library loot posts, I frequent two local public libraries often (I also used to work at both of them).  I was very inspired by Kate of The Neverending Bookshelf's challenge to celebrate libraries!  Here's part of what she has to say:
As part of National Library Week, I wanted to do something to give back. So I am issuing a challenge to everyone! There are two parts to this challenge. You can take on one or both... the choice is yours.

Part 1:
For every comment that this post receives, I will be donating a 1/4 of a book to my local library. This means that for every 4 comments, my library will be getting a book off my shelves. Please limit the comments to something relevant to this post. You can give us tips on how you can support your local library... Tell us what makes your library special... Etc.

Part 2:
Create a post about the challenge. You can telling us about your local library, tips on how you can make your library [better], etc. and then pass this challenge along to your readers. You can keep the stakes the same, make them less, or even up them...the choice is yours.
What a fantastic idea! Since I am starting this challenge a little late, I will donate 1/4 book (or more if I don't get very many) per comment on this and any subsequent posts for a week, ending next Thursday, April 22. I hope that I can help out both of my local public libraries in this small way!

If you do nothing more than visit a library this week, take the time to thank a librarian (or really, anyone who works or volunteers there).  It always makes me smile when a student appreciates what I do!

What do you appreciate about your library or your librarians?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. I love that my library has an amazing selection! I'm off right now to go check out opera cds for book club tonight, because how can we talk about Bel Canto without a little opera in the background!:)

  2. What a great idea and a spectacular way to celebrate library week!

  3. I enjoy the local libraries where I live.

    What I MOST appreciate about my library is the requesting system. I can read a book from any library in Hawaii... even from other Islands for free. No cost to me to have to book transferred to a library of my choosing.

    I am also participating and plan to donate generously.

  4. Suey, I love the collection too - we are so lucky to have so much!

    stiletto, I just wish I had thought of the idea myself :)

    Chas, that does sound fabulous! I imagine that widens the variety you can get too!


Love it when you comment!