Friday, April 16, 2010

Book Review: Calamity Jack by Shannon and Dean Hale

*Comments on this post will go toward my Library Week challenge*
Calamity Jack has a history.  Unknown to Rapunzel, Jack was not always a good guy.  He used to have all kinds of schemes to make money for his mother.  He was running away from just such a scheme involving giants and beanstalks when he met Rapunzel.  When he returns to the city, he finds things have changed and not for the better.  Can Jack save his mother, the city, and his relationship with Rapunzel?

Calamity Jack

Things I Liked:
I love the humor.  Seriously, I haven't read many graphic novels, but I think I prefer them with humor.  Nathan Hale's illustrations were delightful (as usual) and kept the story going when there weren't many words.  I love a good twisted fairy tale and it doesn't get more twisted than giant ant people. 

Things I Didn't Like:
It didn't have much of a point that I could find.  Fun, but rather light.  

Pick up Rapunzel's Revenge by Shannon and Dean Hale first

s-factor: none

mrg-factor: none

v-factor: ->
action, but very mild

Overall rating: ****

Do you have a favorite graphic novel to recommend?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Yet another book sitting there in my face waiting for me to pick it up some day!

  2. It doesn't take long to read, so sometime when you are looking for a quick and fun read, pick it up!

  3. My girls loved Rapunzel's Revenge, so I'll have to look for this one at the library.

  4. Gayle, they'll definitely love the sequel (though perhaps not as much).

  5. I definitely want to read Rapunzel's Revenge and Calamity Jack when I get a chance.

  6. I think my first graphic novel (of only 2) was Rapunzel' Revenge, and I enjoyed it after I got used to the format. I haven't read this one yet and I think it's the only Shannon Hale I haven't gotten too. I'm a big fan of hers.
    I love your site! I'm glad I found it.

  7. NotNessie, I think the best part is how short they are - it only takes an hour or two to read them!

    Shelley, they aren't my favorite of hers either, but it's impressive how many different genres she can write! Thanks for visiting :)


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