Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Person Called Dewey

So, for a mini-challenge from Eva at A Striped Armchair, we were to write about Dewey, founder of the read-a-thon and several weekly memes.

I never had the privilege of knowing Dewey and I don't even participate in any of her memes. But, what strikes me as so interesting about this woman is the impact she left in the book blogging world. Her influence, though no longer alive, is pretty amazing. People in the book blogosphere are always talking about her. She is this omnipresence, reaching into far corners and places where her presence never went before. The hundreds of participants in the read-a-thon get to bask in the genius that created a community event that does not actually occur in a single location or through face-to-face interaction. She manages somehow to still bring people together, to discuss books, and to encourage reading. Someday, I hope to have half as much influence in the life of my family as she has on a worldwide group of readers. Plus she had a cool online name.

I also paused do some a few yoga moves from the mini-challenge on Jehara.

Well, I've managed to get a little bit more done in the past few hours:
Books read: 2 and 1/2 (finally finished The Name of This Book is Secret and Betsy-Tacy and Tib)
Total pages read: 655
Total hours read: ~10

I'm gonna go stick my nose in a book!

If you buy through my Amazon linkage,
I will get a very small percentage


  1. She really left a mark in this community.

  2. I never knew her either, having just started blogging this year, but your tribute was very nice. It sounds like you're making great progress on the read-a-thon. Way to go! I'll be hosting a mini challenge on my blog soon. Stop on by.

  3. I didn't know Dewey either, but I definitely see the impact she has made.

    I hope you enjoy the rest of the readathon!

  4. What a great post! Thank you.

  5. Dewey was one of the first bloggers I came across when I was a newbie. She was amazing.

    Keep reading! I think I'm about done and am doing a bit of blog hopping before I go to bed.

  6. I never knew her either, but you can't be a book blogger for long before you hear about her!

  7. nose in a book! Happy Reading! and yea, Dewey was something special.

  8. Thanks all, I sure wish I'd "met" her!


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