Saturday, October 24, 2009

Nearing the End

This may be my final post for the night. I think I'll do a little more reading, but my eyes are starting to feel like sandpaper.

I just did a few mini-challenges, Care's Online Book Club and Libri Touches. And for the one at Chronicle of an Infant Bibliophile, here are five of my favorite kids' books:

1. Where the Wild Things Are
2. The Cricket in Time's Square
3. Any Frog and Toad books
4. Best Friends for Francis (or Bedtime for Francis)
5. Any Bernstein Bears books

All of these I remember from my childhood and all remain favorites today.

And as my update:
Books read: 3 (2 full ones, 2 half ones)
Total pages read: 800
Total hours read: 13

I just finished Between Me and the River by Carrie Host (which I already had half read). Probably before I lapse into sleep, I will get started on A Season of Gifts by Richard Peck. And, since I probably won't post until I wake from the dead tomorrow - thanks again for the encouragement and the fun!

If you buy through my Amazon linkage,
I will get a very small percentage


  1. I just saw "Where the Wild Things Are" but I never read the book while growing up. But when I was younger I did read a lot of Bernstein Bears books. Anyways have fun completing the rest of the 24 hours!

  2. Now that it's WAY past midnight and our eyes are drooping lower, it's time for us night owls to get our second wind! So here is a big HOOT from Alabama. WAKE UP and Keep on Reading!!!! Just a few more hours to go!!!!

    Go Reading,Go Reading,Go Reading!!!
    the Transcendentalists team!

  3. Hear hear on the Berenstein Bears books!!! Loved those.

    (Strangely don't love reading them aloud quite as much, but hey.)

  4. Thanks so much for playing along. I tried to comment on every entry last night, but had to crash at some point (my toddler still doesn't sleep through the night, so I knew I'd have all night wake-ups with him plus an early rise). I LOVED the Berenstain bear books when I was younger. My son (age 2) really likes the The B Book, but otherwise, seems a little too young for most of the Berenstains so far. I'm looking forward to him enjoying them, though! Same with Frog and Toad.

  5. Thanks all for your comments.

    Infant Bibliophile, no problem! I hope you managed to get enough sleep.


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