Monday, September 14, 2009

Book Blogger Appreciation Week, Day 1 and a GIVEAWAY!

BBAW 2009 has officially started - YEAH! Today's post are spotlights of some of my favorite blogs and, of course, a giveaway!

Abby (the) Librarian was one of the very first blogs I found back when I was a newbie blogger. Not only did I feel kinship because she happens to be a librarian, but I also really enjoy reading about books she's found and days in the life of a children's librarian. It's nice for me to read stuff from other librarians, especially since I'm kind of isolated in my tiny college library. If you haven't yet, go check out her blog!

Also, Tina at Fantastic Book Review was nominated in several categories, but specifically, I think her giveaways are, well, fantastic! She seems to always be having three or four going on at once. Here site is also brimming with gorgeous covers, so I love to visit just to see what she has up! If you haven't visited, go there quickly! (And definitely enter her contests!)

One of my other favorites is a local (to me) blogger, Suey at It's All About Books. Suey is one of those who makes those of us new and shy feel very welcome! And also, pretty much, everyone else feel welcome and appreciated. She also recently played a huge part in convincing me to join Twitter. (Which I did. I haven't been too active yet, though. Still wetting my feet.) I love her reviews, which are given a letter grade as opposed to stars. Also, I really like how she includes links to other people's reviews - something I'd like to do, but am too lazy to get around to it.

Now, on to the giveaway! I have one gently used paperback copy of The View from Saturday by E.L. Kongisburg, which I reviewed yesterday. I really love this book - so much that I bought it twice without thinking! Fortunately for you, I now have a copy to share; unfortunately, I can only ship in the US.

If you would like to win this book, please leave a comment telling me about a book blog you love to read (I'm not fishing for compliments, but trying to find more blogs to read).

Leave me an email address if it isn't readily available on your profile! Enter by midnight on Friday, September 18. I will (try) to choose a winner on Saturday, but I am moving that day, so it might be Sunday or Monday before I get it posted.


  1. I recommend A Book With a View. The link is on my blog roll and in my BBAW post for the day.


  2. I love visiting Dottie @ My blog 2.0

    Please enter me for a chance to read this great book! Your inspiring words make me want to pick it up:)

    wendyhines (at) hotmail (dot) com

  3. My favorite book blog has to be The Zen Leaf. She's a great reviewer and has an eclectic taste in literature.


  4. I haven't seen Fantastic Book Review before... I guess that's one of the bonuses of BBAW: new blogs!

  5. I really like Park-Avenue Princess 's blog. She is a sweetheart.


    *Thank you for stopping by my giveaways of the day post and letting me know about this. I will have a blog post up tomorrow with the link to here. :)

  6. Don't pick me, because I already have that book, but I just love Jeanette (a little quiet now because she's having a baby soon):

  7. I like A Bookworm's World. I also like Book Butterfly.

    Thanks for giveaway!!!!!

  8. I like The Shady Glade.

    I also like Rebecca Reads, but it looks like you have that one in your sidebar already.

  9. I like the blog "Find Your Next Book Here" it has a very eclectic mix.

    akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com

  10. I like Bookin With Bingo

  11. I'm a fan of author/blogger Book Aunt. Insightful reviews and interesting posts.

  12. Libby's Literary News!


  13. There are so many, but Bookin' With Bingo, is a special place for me!


  14. I read a lot of blogs but one of my favorites is West of Mars.

  15. I really enjoy the reviews at Farmlane Books
    They're so smart and well done. Thanks for the giveaway.

    s.mickelson at gmail dot com

  16. Please enter me. Thanks for the giveaway.

    lizzi0915 at aol dot com

  17. The best book I have read this year is Megan's Way by Melissa Foster. Please include me in your giveaway.

  18. One of my favorite blogs is A Novel Menagerie.

    Please include me in the giveaway.

  19. I'm new to book blogs. The one I go to often is Stone Soup. It's cute. You get to see the author in different hats almost every week.

    I'd love to win your book.

  20. Trish's Book Blog!
    that's how I found you!

    dcf_beth @ verizon dot net

  21. My favorite blogs are Nonsuch Book Blog, J. Kaye's Book Blog and In Spring it is Dawn.

    I would love to read this book. I buy two books all the time so I know how easily it happens!

    rebecca dot cox at charter dot com


Love it when you comment!