Thursday, August 27, 2009

There's No Place Like Home(town Library)

I must admit, while my trip to the Czech Republic was fabulous and I got to see several breathtaking libraries, I missed my very own home-grown public library. I put all of my hold requests on inactive status, so I wouldn't miss anything while I was gone. I was hoping when I returned the status to active I would have a huge flow of books. So far, I've had six.

The Lacemaker and the Princessby Kimberly Brubaker Bradley
The Seasonby Sarah MacLean
Howl's Moving Castleby Diana Wynne Jones (why ever did I wait so long?)
The Hourglass Doorby Lisa Mangum
Indaby Sherwood Smith
Wintergirlsby Laurie Halse Anderson (I'm sort of afraid to read this one!)

But, since I also happened to return home to a most welcome group of books from publishers, I don't think I will be running out of reading material soon. Here is what I got in the mail:

The Maze Runnerby James Dashner (so good - watch for my review!)
Between Me and the Riverby Carrie Host
Fortune's Follyby Deva Fagan
The Possibility of Everythingby Hope Edelman

And I also managed to win a coveted copy of The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows from Maw Books Blog. YEAH!


  1. I just love your blog! I found you through the utah blogger group. I've added a few books to my TBR pile after reading some through your reviews.

  2. I've only read Wintergirls, which was very intense! But Diana Wynne Jones has been on my radar for awhile-it sounds like I should try her out!

  3. Oh, I wish I had known about that contest. I would have tried to win that book. Darn it!

    And you're also a Utah book blogger, huh? I don't think I've seen a bad one yet from there. :)

    As for the photos, OMG. Wow. I think every book lover is completely jealous of you.

  4. Loved Guernsey when I read it last year.

    It sounds like you have some good reading in front of you.

  5. Eva, I'm a little afraid of Wintergirls intensity, but I figured it was about time to buckle down and read it. I'll let you know how my first Diana Wynne Jones goes :)

    justareadingfool, welcome to the blog! I think there are actually several contests for Guernsey going around the blogosphere that are still open - maybe you can win one yet!

    Marg, I'm pretty excited about all these titles. If you loved Guernsey and haven't picked up 84, Charing Cross Road, I suggest you try it too!


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