Saturday, August 29, 2009

Bookshelf Review: (In Which I Learn to Pay Attention to What I Order)

Remember back when I posted about this awesome bookshelf review opportunity? The bookshelf came in the mail while we were out of the country, and then things just kept coming up. But, I've finally assembled it and got around to posting about it now.

Anyway, I was super thrilled when I opened it, so much so that I didn't take any photos of it before assembly or during assembly. I loved the color (but that is one reason I chose it - I adore dark cherry wood) and I love the design. It was really simple to assemble, with super easy instructions. In fact, my husband pretty much didn't need the instructions to put it together. We had to undo a few screws, but only because we weren't paying close attention to the direction of the wood panels.

One thing I was slightly disappointed about was that some of the shelves were dirty. I couldn't tell what exactly was on them, but it did not come off after wiping them down. I finally figured it didn't matter aesthetically, since I would be covering the shelves with books anyway.

The trickiest part about the shelf I ordered was hanging it up. What was I thinking getting a hanging shelf? We just signed a contract for a new apartment, and they do not allow you to drill holes in the wall (surprise, surprise). Which means this shelf is somewhat useless to us as long as we live there. It requires you to drill ten holes in the wall (really, I also thought ten was a bit much), but we managed to find a way to prop it up in a corner anyway. For now, this is a working fix. Hopefully when we get into our own home, we will finally be able to properly hang it up.

This problem isn't the fault of the company, more my own thoughtlessness in purchasing this type of shelving (so much for trying something new and different). Overall, I am very pleased with the way it looks. It appears stronger than some of my other shelving (which bows in the middle) but that's probably because the shelves are not as long.

Thanks again, CSN office furniture, for allowing me the opportunity to review this bookshelf. If I had scads of money, I would definitely order more through them! (It's not that they are all expensive, it is more I really don't have lots of money!)


  1. Wow. That's really cool looking.

  2. Glad you like your bookcase. I actually kinda like it how you have it.

  3. That is cool. Yeah, it's a pain when you can't drill holes. I don't own a home, so I feel bad putting too many holes in the wall.

    I wish I had a shelf up high to put my special breakable stuff, but then the kids would probably throw a toy and knock something down anyway.

  4. Thanks guys! You actually made me feel much better about it. And the picture does make it look pretty nice :)

    Amy, I love the image of your kids making sure they got all your breakables. So true!


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