Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A Slowly Shrinking Pile (I think)

I might actually be shrinking my pile more than I am growing it (well, actually I think it is in equilibrium right now, but I'm thinking positive). I only acquired four books since my last library loot post (oh, more than two weeks ago now). I guess my hold list is dwindling!

The Ultimate Giftby Jim Stovall (loved the movie)
The Princess and the Bearby Mette Ivie Harrison (yeah!)
Magic Studyand Fire Studyby Maria V. Snyder (couldn't wait for the sequels to Poison Study)

P.S. as an extra note, I have been entering every single contest for Catching Fire I have seen. Here are just two going on right now:
Lauren Barnholdt has a signed one (!)
The Shady Glade has one (still open since she's having technical difficulties)
I know my odds aren't very good, but I still have to keep trying :)


  1. I wish my pile/list was dwindling... maybe I'd feel like I was accomplishing something. :D

  2. I might be a little too optimistic - I think the pile is not growing...

  3. Maybe your books are sneaking over to my pile because it looks bigger every time I see it. I admire your restraint at only taking out four books. They look interesting. I hope you win a copy of Catching Fire. Enjoy your loot. My LL post is up.

  4. My pile is definitely growing! hehe

    Good luck winning Catching Fire. :D

  5. I really need to hurry up and read Fire Study! Thanks for the reminder!

  6. Sandra, my restraint usually must be that I can only pick up books on hold for me. Otherwise, browsing the shelves turns into taking everything from the shelves :)

    Eva, I need all the luck I can get!

    Marg, definitely move it up to the top of the pile (then again, I haven't started the second one yet...)


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