Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Book Review: Magic Study by Maria V. Snyder

Magic Studybegins Yelena's time in her homeland of Sitia. Yelena is returning to her family after fourteen years of separation, but not everyone is glad to have her home. Accusations that she is an Ixian spy, threats against her life, animosity from other magicians, and a terrible murderer killing young girls to gain power all conspire to make her homecoming not at all welcome.

After really loving Poison Study, I was eager to pick up this sequel. While I still love Yelena's character and Snyder has produced another great story, this book did not have the same compelling story and interest the other had. Perhaps it was that the main storyline did not seem as personal to Yelena as the first one. Ferde's plans to gain power did not seem to really have any connection at all to Yelena. Her interactions with her family were interesting, but I just didn't have the same compulsion to finish the story as with the first. Still a good book, and definitely ready to pick up the next one.

Pick up the first in the trilogy, Poison Study
Still reminds me of The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley
A bit like the world in Warrior Heir, Wizard Heir, and Dragon Heir by Cinda Williams Chima

s-factor: !

Scattered throughout.

mrg-factor: X
Commonly mentioned, but action all offstage.

v-factor: ->->
Some fighting and other violence, mostly not described.

Overall rating: ***


  1. Yeah, that's what I thought, too. Valik's still awesome, though. :)

  2. Valek even makes me feel comfortable when Yelena is in trouble :)


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