Sunday, June 21, 2009

Bloggiesta: Too Bad It's Over...

Oh, I got some good things done this weekend. I'm actually really happy with how my new template worked out! I also managed to get at least a few posts ready for rainy days (like yesterday) and some of the other things on my to do list. I participated in some of the mini challenges as well and found them very helpful (and eye-opening), including:
Total time spent working: ~15 hours

Just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to Natasha at Maw Books Blog for getting this challenge going and doing all the work to organize it! I definitely want to meet her (and may get the chance at a Utah Blogger get together...yeah!)


  1. The challenge was incredible wasn't it? I too accomplished many changes on my blog. I really like your template.

  2. Sheila, it was awesome! And thanks - I like it and so far no major glitches!

  3. You got a lot done!! Awesome!

  4. Sorry for taking so long to make my way over to all the wrap up posts. You did fantastic! And I love three column templates. Can't wait to meet you too!

  5. Thanks, Natasha. It was a great event!

  6. Wow you got a lot done. Way to go!

  7. Thanks, Cari. I really just liked to cross off items that I at least started, even if I didn't finish them. Gave me a greater sense of achievement.


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