Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Give It Away Now

I have hopefully piqued all your interest in just which delightful signed book I am giving away! Are you ready for it?

I'm giving away a signed paperback copy of the first Fablehaven book. If you haven't read this series yet, start now! And what better way than with a free copy? I got Brandon Mull to sign it "To a very lucky winner," and hopefully that's you! I'm also gonna throw in a book mark for the fourth book, Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary.

I don't have reviews here for the first three books in the series, since I started reading them before the existence of this blog; however, I assure you they are all packed with adventure and unexpected twists, not to mention some fantastic creatures.

So, if you want to win this signed copy of Fablehaven, leave me a comment on this post and tell me what your favorite fantasy creature is (dragon, fairy, etc).

If you want a second entry, blog about this contest and leave me a link to the post.

You have until Tuesday, June 2nd to enter. I will randomly select the winner and announce that lucky individual on Wednesday, June 3rd.

Now, get to it! And best of luck!


  1. I love dragons. Absolutely love them.

    I haven't started this series yet, but I want to!!

    (Off to blog about the contest at Confessions of a Book Habitue)

  2. Picking a favorite fantasy creature for me is highly dependent on who wrote about them, but I think overall dragons are the top of my list. They've been written about in such a variety of ways (from the bad guys to the heroes of the story) that I can't help loving them in all facets of fantasy.

    I love the Fablehaven series, but have yet to purchase any of them, so here's hoping I win! =D

  3. I love unicorns!!!

    Here's hoping 3 is the lucky number!

  4. I am with Britt my favorite is Dragons, but I like a lot of other ones too, unicorns, talking beasts, centaurs, etc.

  5. I'm a fairy girl! I borrowed this book from the library and loved it!


  6. I haven't read this book yet, so I hope I win! Let me see, my favorite fantasy creature is the Hippogriff. Go Buckbeak!! Dragons are cool too.
    I'll have a link on my haiku amy blog. http://haikuamy.blogspot.com

  7. Alright, here's the link to my post, and I have a link in my sidebar. http://haikuamy.blogspot.com/2009/05/fablehaven-book-giveaway.html

  8. I haven't read Fablehaven yet *hangs head in shame*. I'd love a signed copy. :) Favorite fantasy creature: fairies. Love them.

  9. My favorite fantasy creature is of course a Faerie! I've really been wanting to try this series. :)


  10. gnomes i find them intriguing thanks for the giveaway

  11. I adore fairies. The fairier, the better.

  12. I love pegasus!
    believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com

  13. I love fairies and elves.


  14. Mary
    zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com

    Oh Fablehaven sounds great! And I'd have to say that Dragons are my favorite fantasy creatures, depending on the context in which they are presented!
    Sometimes elves or gnomes really rock, too!!

  15. Oh I'm so excited can you pick me pretty please? I have three kids who all three love any books that are in this genre!

    ajcmeyer AT go DOT com

  16. I have a love for both dragons and faeries! I can't choose!


  17. I would like to start a new series.

  18. I love elves. And I would love to read this book. Thanks

  19. I would love to have this book. I have heard so many good things about this series and really want to read it. Love your blog.

  20. I like dwarves, even though they are often evil, or at least have complicated loyalties.

  21. My fave fantasy creatures are elves.
    throuthehaze at gmail dot com

  22. I have always liked Trolls. Looks like a great book. Thanks for the chance


  23. I like elves the most but also love dragons and fairies.


Love it when you comment!