Thursday, February 19, 2009

Book Review: Squashed by Joan Bauer

Squashedis the delightful story of Ellie, a girl with a passion for growing. She deals with teenage trauma, school, a misunderstanding father, and the trials of growing a prize-winning giant pumpkin all at once. Definitely enough for one girl to handle. Ellie faces pumpkin thieves, frost, hail storms, and the horrible last-year's-winner with wit and courage. But, will she win?

While this one did not satisfy as much as Bauer's other book I recently read, Squashed was a delightful read filled with humor and hilarious teenage drama. I think what I enjoyed the most was Ellie's passion about growing and all the vegetable humor. Ellie was by far the best part of the book, though her Abe Lincoln-look-alike father was a close second.

s-factor: !

Maybe one or two.

mrg-factor: none

v-factor: none

Overall rating: ***

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