Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Book Review: The Sorcerer of the North by John Flanagan

The Sorcerer of the Northis the fifth book in the Ranger's Apprentice Series (first four reviewed here) Will is now a fully fledged ranger and has his first assignment in a quiet northern fief. However, things aren't quiet for long when a remote Lord falls mysteriously ill and Will must travel there, in disguise, to discover if the rumors of a sorcerer are true. He and his old friend Alyss must navigate the intrigues of the castle and discover who is the source of all the trouble.

The Sorcerer of the North: Book Five (Ranger's Apprentice)

Another impressive addition to this series. This series does not get dull or run out of stories quickly! Flanagan managed to create another unique and interesting plot with twists and surprises, not to mention adventure and danger. The only draw-back comes from the delayed publication in the US. This book leaves you hanging and begging for the sequel!

s-factor: !

Perhaps a few.

mrg-factor: none.

v-factor: ->
It isn't described in gory detail, but there is fighting.

Overall rating: ****


  1. Hi, I just came by from Natasha's post on the Utah Book Blogger's Bash. It's so nice to find your blog. I love the way that you rate the content. Clever and funny. I look forward to keeping up with your blog.

  2. I just subscribed to your feed on this blog (never done that before!) and it's awesome having your reviews come right to my inbox! :D

    Hehehehe! You should move to Australia, Melissa, you can get all the Ranger's Apprentice books first! *huggles 9 book series*

    Very exciting thing, I met John Flanagan when he came to my town on tour! *fangirl squeal* I was thrilled to pieces. He came to our library, where I was volunteering at the time, so I ended up watching his two lectures and awesome of awesomeness the librarian invited me to lunch with them, so I ended up having lunch with John Flanagan! :O I was over the moon! He is such an awesome guy in reality too. :)So funny! Just like in his books. :D

  3. That's an amazing experience! I'm totally jealous. If only I COULD move to Australia :) But, then I'd probably feel sad about all those US books that haven't made it there yet... Thanks for subscribing!


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