Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Book Review: Cybele's Secret by Juliet Marillier

Cybele's Secrettakes place a few years after Wildwood Dancing (reviewed here). It is a unique story told from the viewpoint of Jena's scholarly sister, Paula. She and her father head to Istanbul in order to bid for an ancient and mysterious artifact called Cybele's Gift. Paula finds herself caught up in the intrigues of the bidding, as well as the culture of Istanbul that is so different from her own. She tries to understand her feelings for her hired bodyguard, Stoyan, and the not-as-he-seems pirate Duarte. When she begins to receive messages from the Other World, specifically her sister Tati who she hasn't seen in a long time, she is certain that she must solve the puzzle of Cybele's Gift. Paula finds herself unwittingly taking a dangerous journey to return Cybele's Gift to its original location. She must face enemies unknown as well as seemingly impossible tasks, but what is it she is supposed to learn?

I found this story not quite as intriguing and beautiful as Wildwood, but I loved the characters and the descriptions. Marillier has brought to life this time and place for us, mixing it with elements of the fantastical and also romance. While I did figure out some of the surprises before hand, I loved how she ended it - not everything is wrapped up neatly. It is a beautifully written mystery/romance/adventure/fantasy!

s-factor: none

(at least I don't remember any :)

mrg-factor: none

v-factor: ->
Some fighting, not much.

Overall rating: ****


  1. I came across your blog from the Utah Bloggers group. We have similar reading tastes in books. I like it. Then I discovered you have my blog listed on your sidebar. How cool is that!

  2. I did not enjoy this book as much as Wildwood Dancing, but thought it was a good read.

  3. I had the same reaction Deanna and I am still trying to figure out why that was...


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