Monday, September 8, 2014

Book Review: The Runaway King by Jennifer A. Nielsen

The Runaway King by Jennifer A. Nielsen
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Publication date: March 2013
Pages: 352
Source: Purchased
For: Fun
Series: The Ascendance Trilogy, Book 2

Summary from goodreads: *Spoilers are inevitable for the first book, The False Prince*
Just weeks after Jaron has taken the throne, an assassination attempt forces him into a deadly situation. Rumors of a coming war are winding their way between the castle walls, and Jaron feels the pressure quietly mounting within Carthya. Soon, it becomes clear that deserting the kingdom may be his only hope of saving it. But the further Jaron is forced to run from his identity, the more he wonders if it is possible to go too far. Will he ever be able to return home again? Or will he have to sacrifice his own life in order to save his kingdom?  
Things I Liked:
I'm still a fan of Jeron.  He's a character that is difficult to forget - brash, full of himself, but also full of heart and who wants to do what's best for everyone.  I liked the plot and the interesting places it took us.  I enjoyed the scenes with the pirates and found the conclusion of Jeron's difficulties interesting, if not entirely believable.  Overall, I enjoyed reading this installment, though not as much as the first book. (On a totally unrelated note, I bought this book when I met the author - she was super inspiring to hear speak, I think.  Really wonderful with the younger kids who came!)

Things I Didn't Like:
As I said, this one did not entertain nor surprise me quite as well as that first book did.  I thought some of the characters changes did not seem plausible.  Admittedly, it's been a while since I read this, so I'm not remembering all I felt, but I do remember being a bit disappointed.

A bit like Ranger's Apprentice series by John Flanagan

s-factor: none

mrg-factor: none

v-factor: ->
some fighting

Overall rating: ***

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage

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