Monday, March 3, 2014

Book Review: Going Vintage by Lindsay Leavitt

Going Vintage by Lindsay Leavitt
Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Childrens
Publication date: March 2013
Pages: 320
Source: Library
For: Fun

Summary from goodreads:
When Mallory’s boyfriend, Jeremy, cheats on her with an online girlfriend, Mallory decides the best way to de-Jeremy her life is to de-modernize things too. Inspired by a list of goals her grandmother made in1962, Mallory swears off technology and returns to a simpler time (when boyfriends couldn’t cheat with computer avatars). The List:
1. Run for pep club secretary
2. Host a fancy dinner party/soiree
3. Sew a dress for Homecoming
4. Find a steady
5. Do something dangerous
But simple proves to be crazy-complicated, and the details of the past begin to change Mallory’s present. Add in a too-busy grandmother, a sassy sister, and the cute pep-club president–who just happens to be her ex’s cousin–and soon Mallory begins to wonder if going vintage is going too far.

Things I Liked:
This was just the right book for me at the time.  I really loved getting a change from serious, dramatic, and rather depressing dystopias and fantasies.  It was a fun, laughable, but also serious at times story.  I adored our main character, probably because she reminded me of high school me.  I love that she wanted to be a certain kind of person, but sometimes she would slip up and make mistakes and be a shallow/needy kind of person.  That felt real.  I hate those perfect main characters that are always so tough and so exactly the way they should be as teenagers.  Sometimes she just wanted to go back to the guy, even if he was a jerk.  That was realistic to me.  I also really loved the idea that she wanted to get to know more about her family, her grandmother.  Her relationships with her family were the most interesting thing for me.  Good fun and lots of laughs.  I was especially happy with the way things ended.

Things I Didn't Like:
I don't think I had any problems with it while I was reading.  Looking back, sometimes it seemed a little over dramatic, but that's exactly how many teenagers are, so it was authentic.  Also, it does kind of seem impossible to give up technology.  Just sayin'.

Can't think of anything...

s-factor: !
one or two
mrg-factor: none

v-factor: none

Overall rating: *****

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. I want to read this one. Every time I'm reminded of it I want to drop everything and read it now. Sigh!

    1. It's a light fun one. And a quick read, so you can sneak it in :)

  2. Glad you liked this one and thanks for putting it back on my radar (I remember thinking that it looked fun when it came out, but it got lost in my jumble of a reading list)!

    1. That totally happens to me a lot! Too many great books.

  3. I read this one recently, too. It's a cute, light read and I enjoyed it!

    1. Definitely a nice break from dark and depressing.


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