Tuesday, September 24, 2013

1, 2, 3...and I'm Back (Maybe?)

Hello blogging world!  If anyone is still out there reading this, kudos to you for sticking with this empty blog.  I think I may be heading back to blogging, though.  Slowly and probably with boring stuff like reviews only (I'm only around 40 books behind...), but still!  I've survived the first three months of baby's life and I think I may be emerging from the dark sleep-deprived cave into the light :)

One month!

Two months! (I think she looks like a queen ruling over her lowly subjects :)
Three months!

Proof that I am alive (or that I was when the photo was taken...)

Some days we just gotta cry :)
Anyway, I've got some reviews written and ready to publish.  I have become a bit lazier, so the summaries are taken from goodreads and the read-alikes are kind of sparse.  Also, they might be a bit boring.  Thanks for sticking with me!

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage



  1. Yay, I'm so glad you're back! And glad to see the baby looking so healthy and sweet. That last photo cracks me up :) I'm looking forward to reading your reviews, however short or boring. I've missed you!

    1. Ah, thanks for sticking with me, Susan! I've been enjoying your reviews too, just haven't done any commenting :)

  2. I was actually thinking of emailing you the other day hoping that you are well. Those first few months are killer, but it really does start to get a bit easier. I'll just ditto Susan for the rest of my comment :)

    1. You are so sweet! Thanks, KT. Yes, it's been a wild ride and still is, but I'm ready to come back to the blog anyway!

  3. She's adorable! Congrats on the new baby! And, welcome back! :)

  4. Huzzah! You're back! Speaking of books and babies, there are these awesome babylit books you might like:


    1. Oh my word, those books are so cute! I must have them! Thanks, Lauren :)

  5. Melissa! I've been thinking about you a lot and wondering how things were going. Like KT said above, an email was coming soon, but just hadn't quite happened yet and now look, you start blogging again! Yay! It looks like all is well and what a cute cute baby! :) I'll look forward to having you around again, in whatever way it happens. Welcome back!

    1. Aw, thanks Suey! It's nice to know there are still people out there who remember me :) I'm so happy to be back in some capacity! (and sad I missed Bloggiesta...oh well)

  6. Oh my gosh what a cutie! (Dark sleep-deprived cave made me smile:) And that crying one is just precious. Welcome back! I've missed you! Hopefully there is more sleep and light that not from now on :D

    1. Thank you! Things have become a lot easier now she's older.

  7. glad to see you back! Congrats on you baby girl! She's so expressive :)

    1. Thank you, Small. She certainly has a lot of faces she makes :)

  8. Congrats on the baby! And welcome back!

    1. Thank you! And thanks for sticking with my poor blog :)


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