Monday, May 6, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Something Light and Fun

The topic for today's Top Ten Tuesday is I'm super excited about: Top Ten Light and Fun Books!  I made this list in about five seconds and I noticed that pretty much everything on here is middle grade - it sure seems like the fun stuff that gives your brain and emotions a break is for the younger crowd.  Good thing I tend to really like MG!

Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom by Christopher Healy
Pretty much this is a requirement for me on any list of books I love, books that are funny, books that everyone should read, etc, etc. 

Rapunzel's Revenge and Calamity Jack by Shannon and Dean Hale
I sometimes struggle with enjoying graphic novels, but Shannon and Dean have created two excellent adventures that I enjoyed from beginning to end.

Once Upon a Marigold by Jean Ferris
This is an old favorite that made me laugh so hard!  I can't seem to remember much about the plot now, as it's been years, but I sure remember loving it.

The Secret series by Pseudonymous Bosch
A fun and quirky series, I always find entertainment in reading this not-quite-normal and definitely very secretive series.
The Wednesday Wars by Gary Schmidt
This is another old favorite that I recommend to just about anyone and anything moving.  While it isn't all laughs and light heartedness, Schmidt has a way of creating a scene that has me in stitches for months afterward.  It only requires a word or two to make me giggle: yellow tights.
The Bartimaeus series by Stroud
Again, this one doesn't exactly have the happiest of endings or the most fun-filled story, but I defy the stone-hearted among us to not find something hilarious in Bartimaeus.

A Long Way From Chicago, A Year Down Yonder and A Season of Gifts by Richard Peck
Two words: Grandma Dowdel.  Trust me, just read them.

Alcatraz books by Brandon Sanderson 
I have yet to pick up Sanderson's adult fantasy stuff (I know, something seriously wrong with that), but his MG series is full of the strange and quirky.  It definitely makes for some laughs.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid books by Jeff Kinney
Do these need any kind of introduction?  I think not.

Bloody Jack series by L.A. Meyer
While this does have some darker stuff, Jacky has an irrepressible spirit and vitality that lifts her out of the most difficult of circumstances.  And she's just ridiculously fun!

Anybody have some great YA books on their light and fun?  I obviously need to find some more of those!

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  1. Great roundup of titles, Melissa. "The Wednesday Wars" is a personal favorite of mine--and our students really seem to love Kinney's Wimpy Kid books. The cartoon sketches help pull in skeptical readers and soon they fall in love with reading.

    1. Definitely I love how Wimpy Kid books draw in all kinds of readers (and non-readers).

  2. I had a really hard time with this list - maybe because I forgot the OBVIOUS. How could I have neglected to think of the Bosch books and the Bloody Jack books? Sheesh. Where was my brain? Thanks for reminding me of both these series!

    1. Well, it helps that I read a whole lot more light-hearted stuff - I look to you for all the depressing books :)

  3. I love The Wednesday Wars and the Richard Peck books but since I teach them would never have thought to put them on this Top Ten list. But they ARE light fun reads for me too.

    1. I can imagine teaching them makes them a bit less fun :)

  4. Rapunzel's Revenge almost made my cut. That book is so great. Most of the books I posted are YA.

    I had Wednesday Wars checked out but brought it back unread. Clearly, I made a judgment error.

    1. So glad to get some YA suggestions from everyone! And definitely give Wednesday Wars a chance.

  5. The only one I've read on your list is The Wednesday Wars. It was a lot of fun and I did enjoy it. I'm not sure I'd classify it as light, though, for me anyway. But, I definitely recommend it to others!

    1. Yeah, the subject isn't exactly light-hearted, but I found that the humor infused throughout makes it a happy kind of book for me.

  6. When I think of light and fun I have to go with Alan Bradley's Flavia de Luce series. That Flavia is a real character! I've loved all the books and can't wait for the next one.

    1. I love Flavia! Can't believe I didn't fit her on here somewhere...

  7. Most all of my reads are "light and fluffy" fun, sadly. :) I can't help but think of the book, Smart Girls Get What They Want as the ultimate fun book, though"(for me). I'm itching to get my hands on Sarah's newest book.

    I haven't read ANY of these books, so I'm checking them out now! :)

    1. Yeah for light and fluffy! I think we all need to read more of them. I haven't heard of the Smart Girls book, but it sounds fun :)


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