Thursday, May 16, 2013

More New and Upcoming Retellings

So, I've been sitting on this post for a while now, but I've been keeping my eyes out for news about upcoming and new retellings.  My last list of New and Upcoming Retellings was long and many of them are still not out yet, so check that one for lots of other retellings I've been dying for.  There is a bit of overlap here (and in my latest I Actually NEED It post), but you'll forgive me for that, right?  Otherwise, these are some new ones I've come across since then.  I'm very excited about these books!  Hopefully this will get your juices flowing to find something to read for the Classic Double Challenge too.  Here's a smattering of what I found:

Thorn Abbey by Nancy Ohlin
A retelling of Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier.  One of my favorite books of all time and I haven't had luck with a retelling yet.  But this one came out just this month, so I'll have to give it a try!

Ashes on the Waves by Mary Lindsey
Based on Edgar Allan Poe's creepy poem, "Annabel Lee," this promises to be a strange and twisted tale.  Plus, it has other Poe references thrown in for good measure.  Coming in June.

Of Beast and Beauty by Stacey Jay
I'm sure you can guess what this is a retelling of.  What sounds intriguing is the possible sci-fi, maybe futuristic feel of the setting.  I'm intrigued!  This one comes out in July.

The Fairest of Them All: A Novel by Carolyn Turgeon
A mash up of Rapunzel and Snow White?  I'll take it.  It sounds like there will be plenty of twists to this retelling.  Coming this August.

Rags & Bones: New Twists on Timeless Tales edited by Melissa Marr and Tim Pratt
This sounds like the perfect collection of short stories!  With a group of fabulous authors including Holly Black, Neil Gaiman, Garth Nix, and more retelling a slew of different stories, including fairy tales and classics, it's like a recipe for my love.  If only October would come sooner!

Across a Star-Swept Sea by Diana Peterfreund
I know I've mentioned this a few times, but I am seriously in need of reading it.  I adored For Darkness Shows the Stars and I adore The Scarlet Pimpernel and thus, my adoration is already established for this book.  Now I just need to find patience to wait until October...

Cold Spell by Jackson Pearce
I'm not caught up with all of Pearce's retellings yet, but I'm really excited to hear about yet another fairy tale retelling, this one of the less-well-known Snow Queen.  These seem to be all the rage, but I'm eager to give them all a try!  Coming in November.

The next few are ones that I've seen announced but not much info is available on them yet (being published next year and beyond):

Into the Dark by Bree Despain
This one appears to be a retelling of the Persephone myth, which has seen some kind of huge resurgence in popularity!  Either way, I'll give this retelling (series) a try. Coming spring 2014.

The Actual and Truthful Adventures of Becky Thatcher by Jessica Lawson
I'm super excited about this, as it's a MG novel and there don't seem to be nearly as many MG retellings.  Also, the description that it is "part origin story, part retelling of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer from Becky's point of view" makes me want to drool upon it NOW.  It doesn't come out until summer 2014, unfortunately.

Of Monsters and Madness by Jessica Verday
This one sounds intriguing, as it is described as "a series of romantic YA Gothic thrillers inspired by The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Frankenstein, and the works of Edgar Allan Poe, as told by Annabel Lee, a young girl who moves to Philadelphia in 1826 to live with her father and discovers that he may be implicated in a series of murders across the city, and only she can prove his innocence and protect him from the true evil he has created in his basement lab."  I mean, really!  What's not to love in that? Coming in fall of 2014.

After by Rhiannon Thomas
This one is retelling of Sleeping Beauty and I'm eager to see where it goes.  "One hundred years after falling asleep, Sleeping Beauty wakes up to the kiss of a handsome prince and a broken kingdom that has been dreaming of her return, but as her wedding day draws near, Aurora must uncover what has happened while she slept, and must decide whether to marry the prince or run."  Sounds like it will have some fun twists!  Coming winter 2015.  

What new or upcoming retellings are you excited about?

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  1. Nice post! I didn't realize some of these were retellings, and there's certainly a lot to look forward to in 2014 - especially the Becky Thatcher book.

  2. oh goodenss--I'm not caught up with last lot yet!! Must Read Faster....

    1. Me either :) It's almost painful how far behind I am...

  3. How exciting!!!! I love hearing about more retellings! :) Of course, I just added MORE books to my reading list.

    1. Oh the always bulging and perpetually growing reading list. I love to add to others' almost as much as I love to add to my own :)

  4. Cool list! I didn't know some of these were retellings. I'm going to add Thorn Abbey now to my TBR. :) I thought it was just another Downton Abbey for teens or something. And I can't wait for Of Beast and Beauty, too. I love Stacey Jay's books!

    1. I was surprised by Thorn Abbey too! I need a good Rebecca retelling.


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