Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Armchair BEA, Day 1, Introduction

Design credit: Nina of Nina Reads
It's the start of Armchair BEA and I'm happy to be able to join in for at least some of the days.  To find out more about this fun event, check out the Armchair BEA site.  Today is introduction (and classic book discussion, though I'll probably not get around to that) day!  Here are my answers to five burning questions you have about me (haha).

Where in the world are you blogging from? 
I'm blogging from the hot, hot Arizona desert.  It's been reaching into the upper nineties (and a few days of 100+ already), but lest you think this means no rain ever and nothing grows, I'll give you a few photos I've taken since we moved here:
 This was a lovely rain storm complete with flooding.  Monsoon season!

Next up we have some of the gorgeous flowering bushes strong enough to survive the heat.

We also have some pretty amazing sunsets down here. And we're always thankful when the sun finally sets :)

Plus, we have one of these. You know, the Grand Canyon. Just sayin'.

What are you currently reading, or what is your favorite book you have read so far in 2013?
A few favorites this year include The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater, Seraphina by Rachel Hartman, and Scarlet by Marissa Meyer (review coming soon)

Tell us one non-book-related thing that everyone reading your blog may not know about you.
I just realized this is the same non-book-related thing I shared last year, but I'm hoping you'll all have forgotten.  I LOVE to go camping and hiking.  With views like this, who can blame me?

Name your favorite blog(s) and explain why they are your favorite(s).
I have a number of regulars that I read, though I don't always comment as much as I should. 
Suey at It's All About Books is a favorite, because her posts and reviews are always like chatting with a good friend.
Angie at Angieville is fantastic at making you NEED to pick up books.  She's very persuasive :)
Susan at Bloggin' 'bout Books has an eclectic array of reviews and never beats around the bush about how she felt about a book.
Charlotte of Charlotte's Library feeds my need to know about MG sci-fi and fantasy books that are fabulous.

What literary location would you most like to visit? Why?
This was actually the hardest question for me to answer.  But, I think I'd like to cheat and say England to visit some of the many, many literary locations in literature that I love.  Especially any Austen-related places. It's just a rich source for wonderful literary places.

Thanks for stopping by to learn more about me and be sure to let me know if you've done an intro for Armchair BEA so I can stop by and learn more about you!

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Awww, thanks for the shout-out! Yours is one of my favorites, too (but I bet you already know that). I love all the Arizona pictures you posted. They made me realize that maybe it's not so bad here after all (even in the blazing hot, never-ending summer)!

    1. Yeah, the blazing hot, never-ending summer is kind of a drag, though :)

  2. I have a friend who is from Arizona and she misses the sun! It's beautiful where you live. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    1. I sure do love some of the beauty of this place. Thank you!

  3. Yay for England! I love that place! And those pictures make Arizona look pretty awesome too.

    Thanks for the sweet shout out! I miss your real life presence. :( But glad we still get the online connection!

    1. I definitely miss the fun people and events from my Utah home, but it's nice not to feel a complete disconnect!

  4. The Raven Boys and Seraphina rock!

    Houston gets hot, but so far it's been a crazily mild spring.

    And I totally agree on Angie - she's convinced me to read so many things, most lately Unsticky.

    1. I bet Houston gets hot and humid! Enjoy your spring :) That Angie is so sneaky!

  5. Thank you so much for the mention! And for sharing the beautiful pictures. Is March a good time to visit the Grand Canyon? I have never been, and want to go there with the kids...

    1. March might still be a little bit chilly, with highs in the 50s maybe, but it would be preferable to mid summer. April or May might be a touch better, but less convenient for spring break purposes :)

  6. What lovely photos. Seraphina was one of my favorite reads last year. Welcome to Armchair BEA!

    AH@Badass Book Reviews.

  7. LOVE The Raven Boys & Scarlet... definitely two of my faves from the past while.

    England is a FAB place to go for literary locations. I visited there a while back and spent most of the time up north around the Lake District. Definitely inspiring! Also got to see where Beatrix Potter wrote.

    1. Oh to see the wonders of England! Beatrix Potter's writing spot sounds absolutely fantastic. Ugh, I just need to go.

  8. Gorgeous pictures! I'll think of you while I'm camping. Thanks for visiting.

  9. I'm totally jealous of those views. I live in the Midwest, there is so much corn!!! Camping and hiking are some great ways to enjoy those beautiful scenes. I recently read The Raven Boys too and it took me a bit to process it all, but I really enjoyed it. Tattooed Books

    1. Oh the fun Midwest corn! They do have some beautiful places there too. Thanks for stopping by!

  10. Haha yea the Grand Canyon is quite a cool thing to brag about :) Nice to meet you :)

    1. I'm a big fan of some of the lovely views we have here. The Grand Canyon is something else!

  11. Gorgeous pictures! I have many friends that live in Arizona and LOVE it...of course they are from my childhood days in Wisconsin, so that may have a lot to do with it! Enjoy ABEA!

    1. Definitely a big change from Wisconsin to Arizona :) Thanks for stopping by!

  12. Hiya next state neighbor! I'm based in New Mexico. A trip to England for Austen related locations, etc is a dream.

    Have a great week participating in Armchair BEA. :)

    1. Waving from here! Hope your week is fabulous as well.


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