Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Classic Double Challenge: April

I am seriously such a slacker.  Still haven't picked up anything for the challenge, though a few times I've almost decided to find a retelling I've already read and pick up the original.  We'll see if I pick the easier route.

However, my lack of progress doesn't mean you guys haven't been reading up a storm!  I hope to have some great links for reviews published this month, so show me up!

Anybody read any fabulous retellings?  Any news of forthcoming retellings you are wetting your pants for?  I've been gathering some retelling news here and there, so hopefully I'll be able to share those with you soon.  Very good things coming our way.

If you haven't signed up for the Classic Double Challenge yet, there's still time! Head over to the sign up page.

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. It's ok to be a slacker when you're pregnant. And when you have a newborn. And when you have little kids. And pretty much from now until the rest of your life, I think :).

  2. I'm really hoping to read some for this during this next month or so because the Once Upon a Time thing is going on too. :)

    1. Blast! I was going to join Once Upon a Time too. Probably good I never did :)

  3. I finished one book for this! Peter Pan was great and for the retelling I'm reading Tiger Lily and it's....not so great. Oh well :) I'll post my comparison soon hopefully

    1. Yeah for Peter Pan! Bummer about Tiger Lily though. There are lots of other Peter Pan retellings, though, if you decide to scrap that one.


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