Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Book Review: Reached by Ally Condie

Reached by Ally Condie
Publisher: Dutton Juvenile (Penguin)
Publication date: November 2012
Pages: 384
Source: Purchased
For: Fun (and book group)
Series: Matched, Book 3

*Spoilers are inevitable for the first two books, Matched and Crossed*
Cassia is once again apart from Ky and Xander as they each pursue the purposes of the Resistance. Each is waiting on the rebellion that is planned and hoping for a future where they can live the way they want. But, when things don't go quite as planned, the three of them must each decide what is most important to them.

Things I Liked:
I'm always so impressed with the writing in these books - Condie has a way of writing poetically and simplistically without being over the top.  I was especially caught up in the details that emerged with the plague and what happened after the cure was administered.  I was happy to have many of my questions answered.  The second half of the book was the most interesting to me and I really liked watching how they dealt with changes that were unexpected and with their changing relationships.  I think what I liked most were the small things - glimpses of what Cassia is learning about freedom and choice: the art that they create, the ability to see beyond what Society has told them.  An interesting and thoughtful series, if not the most action-packed dystopian story.

Things I Didn't Like:
I did get bored for some of it (this was a major complaint of some of my book group buddies).  The action is slim and unfolds rather slowly.  I can see how some people might be bothered by the medical aspects where they talk about the plague, but I am fascinated by that stuff so I enjoyed it.  It's definitely what I consider a quieter and more thoughtful dystopian series, without the loud bangs and violence and non-stop action of many other series.  Still, I liked it and would recommend it for those interested in a more introspective story.

Be sure to read Matched and Crossed by Ally Condie first

Delirium by Lauren Oliver

s-factor: !
a handful of minor ones

mrg-factor: none

v-factor: ->
not much

Overall rating: ****

I know there are opinions on both ends of the spectrum, so what did you think of the book?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. I need to read this one and finish off the series but I'm getting mixed reviews.

    1. Yeah, it was really hit and miss with pretty much everyone. I'm interested to see what you think.

  2. I had to stop with this series during the second book. I liked Matched but with Crossed I was so bored out of my mind that I couldn't take it anymore.

    I'm glad that you were able to enjoy this series though.
    Thanks for the great review

    1. I can totally see how people get bored in the books. They are definitely a slower moving more character-driven story.

  3. I loved matched and enjoyed Crossed much more than I had expected (because of so many awful reviews). Reached was pretty so so for me though. I was thrilled that Zander didn't end up with Indie. I found Ky and Cassia's relationship kind of weird, and I hate how totally dependent they are on each other without any real explanation. I love Zander though. Also, Cassia's mom sending the sego lilly flower, which just happened to be the cure was totally unbelievable.

    That made it sound like I liked it less than I did. It definitely wasn't my favorite, but it wasn't awful either.

    1. I did like Xander a lot in the books. And I'm glad he ended up where he did, though I did like Indie a lot too. It was definitely an in between kind of book for me too, though I liked it better than Crossed, I think.

  4. I didn't really care for Matched, but I liked Crossed and Reached much better. Maybe I was in a quieter reading mood with them.

    1. Most people feel kind of the opposite, they liked Matched the best and didn't like the other too :) I love all the different opinions!

  5. Introspective is a good way to describe it. Loved this one as well even if it was a little slow.

    1. Yes, introspective! Sometimes I need a nice quiet book.


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