Thursday, January 31, 2013

Classic Double Challenge: January & February Links

My apologies for not getting a place for you to link up to your reviews/thoughts on any Classic Double Challenge books you might have read for January! But now, you can add them here and any that you talk about in February too. I've not managed to read anything for the challenge yet, but I'm planning to start very soon.

In case you missed it, I hosted the first annual (well, I hope it's annual) Retell Me a Story event on Jan 13-19. It was a lot of fun and some really great people were guest posters. Also, we talked about some favorite and some new and upcoming retellings. If you're still looking for ideas on what to read, definitely check out all the Retell Me a Story posts

And if you haven't signed up for the Classic Double Challenge yet, there's still time! Head over to the sign up page.

What books are you hoping to get started with this month?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. I haven't read my boss for this year yet so I'm good. Hopefully I'll read them before December this year!

    1. Yeah, I'm hoping I'll get around to mine this year too!

  2. I haven't read anything, but I did bring home Tris and Izzie from the library and have read a few pages. I need to finish Wolf Hall first!

    1. Too many things to read, I certainly know the feeling :)


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