Monday, November 12, 2012

Hello, Life.

Friends!  I can't believe how dreadfully I've been keeping up with my blog.  I have lots of reviews I can post, but I get kind of tired of always posting reviews and nothing else (as I'm sure you do too).  But, you see, there's this thing that happened called Life.  Normally, I don't have much of one, but for some reason, things have gotten out of hand crazy!  My work has been super demanding the last few weeks and I'm generally exhausted by the time I get home (and really tired of looking at computer screens), so I just go home and crash, stealing a bit of reading time.  I have no desire to hop on the computer and use my brain to write anything.  Thus, you are seeing a few reviews and nothing else. 

Alas, I think this pattern will continue to hold for the next few months.  Perhaps there will come a time when instead of crashing at the end of the day, I have a need to talk about books.  We'll see.  But, in the mean time, I guess this is just your friendly neighborhood note to expect more of the same for a while.  Sorry if this makes you not want to stop by anymore, I hope some of you still will.  As I said, I've got plenty of reviews to post, so there will be that.  Also, I'm really looking forward to my Retelling event in January, which you WILL hear more about soon.  And now that I'm at the end of this post, I'm realizing just how little was actually said in it.  Oh well.  Thanks for reading!

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Oh, I definitely feel this way right now! Work is ca-razy at the moment and the last thing I want to do is stare at a computer screen long enough to write a review or a post! Hopefully life settles down for you soon!

    1. So glad to know I'm not alone :) Good luck to you too!

  2. will be keeping an eye out for you when you pop up on the Reader. Hang in there!

    ~L (omphaloskepsis)

  3. I completely understand. That's why I'm down to 1 review and a Waiting on Wednesday post a week. If it's been a great week, there are 2 reviews. I like doing things other than reviews as well, but haven't found inspiration yet. Fear not, we will be here when you return. (I work in a library too & after looking at a computer screen all day, I just can't bring myself to do it for pleasure reading. No e-reading here!)

    1. It's nice to know this happens to lots of us :) I can still e-read, so I guess I'm not too burnt out. Hope you find your enthusiasm and energy soon!

  4. aw, this happens! I hope work calms down for you a bit. I totally understand about not wanting to look at computer screens anymore. Thanks for letting us know! I was actually just thinking of you the other day.

  5. Replies
    1. Wow, lots more people experiencing life than I thought :) Good luck to you!

  6. I think you know that I totally get it. Hang in there! Life can be so annoying sometimes...taking up all our blogging time!

    1. No kidding. Hope things are well with you - miss all your fun posts for sure :)

  7. Life happens. We all understand that! Don't worry about us -- focus on taking care of you. If I don't "see" you before then, have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    P.S. Isn't this weather amazing??

    1. Thanks, Susan - hope you have a good Thanksgiving! And the weather has been very nice, though if I'm honest, a bit chilly for me :)


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