Monday, October 1, 2012

Bloggiesta Wrap-Up

Well, Bloggiesta has come and gone again (though, hurray for possible mini-bloggiestas in January and July).  I did not get much done, since I had such a busy weekend and a bad case of the lazy-ies.  Still, when I did work I managed to get some fun stuff started:

-Completed seven reviews and a handful of mini reviews (which I now need to schedule)
-Put up more pages links at the top (not happy with how they display, but not sure I have other options right now)
-Updated my Classic Double book list and fairy tale retelling list - still open for suggestions there
-Did a handful of mini-challenges (so much for a million), including Jenni Elyse'sHannah's, and Jessica's, still thinking about Heidenkind's
-Most exciting: I started work on a classics and fairy tale retellings celebration week, tentatively set for January 13-19.  If you're interested in doing a guest post about retellings, please let me know.  I'm hoping to get some guest posts from bloggers and authors (can't believe I sent those requests - that scares me!)

What did you accomplish and what do you *wish* you'd accomplished?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Great job on Bloggiesta! I got a few things done and learned so much from mini challenges. I look forward to next one.

  2. Great job on all that you were able to get done! And, I'm excited about your retellings week. :)

    1. Thanks for being excited, I hope it doesn't flop (you know, because I don't get around to it or whatever).

  3. I've got a request to make soon that scares me too.. but one of the mini challenges was to come out of our comfort zone, right?

    1. I guess I should have joined that mini-challenge, cause it was WAY out of my comfort zone. Eek!

  4. I'm glad you had fun. I've been feeling ridiculously lazy too. What's up with that?


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