Friday, September 28, 2012

Bloggiesta, Day(s) 1(-3) - What Am I Doing?

It's Bloggiesta time!  If you have no idea what I'm talking about, head to It's All About Books or There's a Book for more info.  Essentially, it's three days dedicated to improving your blog in whatever way you want!  And there are so many ways I want.  I technically haven't started my improvements yet, as I'm busy at work.  But, I might have a moment or two here and there today to get started.  Here is my super-ambitious-as-always list of stuff I'm working on. I'll update this page if I do manage to accomplish something.

-Write reviews and do more review prep (links, images, summaries, etc)
 Finished seven reviews and a handful of mini reviews!!!
-Make some scheduled posts
-Revive Listless Monday and Name That Book
-(Think about) changing the blasted header (I always say this and never do it)
-Figure out how to fit all my Pages links up there (oy, not a fan right now)
-Make sure reviews have correct labels
-Make a mini review button?
-Work on a week-long celebration of classics and their retellings (maybe?)
-Work on new Classic Double badges (I hate that hamburger)
-Update Classic Double list and fairy tale lists (Check them out - offer suggestions!)
-Update goodreads
-Do a million mini-challenges (they all look so good!) (well, I did Jenni Elyse'sHannah's, and Jessica's)

What are your goals?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Very lofty goals, especially the million mini-challenges one. ;) Good luck with everything! :D

  2. You have some great goals. I love the idea of a week-long celebration of classics and retellings. Good luck with everything.

    1. Thanks! I hope I got the celebration up off the ground, but we'll see :)

  3. I like the hamburger! Great goals. I hope you decide once and for all about the header. I want to get my blog professionally designed one day.

    1. Oh, I'm glad the hamburger gets some love :) And I've put off the header...again.

  4. Great list. The mini-challenges do all look like so much fun!

  5. I'm interested to see how you're going to revive the listless monday and name that book posts. I love those! I want to add more pages to my navigation but I'm out of room, too! I think I'll do that next time... :) Good luck with the lists. They have great mini-challenges this year. Hope you get to do them all.

    1. Ah, thanks for loving them. I didn't do so well reviving them. I just wanted to get some ideas ready and maybe some posts prepared.

  6. I'm always so thankful for the mini-challenges list because I'm constantly checking back there, long after Bloggiesta is over. So much information out there, and no way I can get it all done in one weekend. I'm always tweaking and changing things.

    1. Yes! I'm so glad the challenge info is always there to check back with. Definitely need all year to tweak the blog!


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