Friday, September 14, 2012

BBAW Day 5: Goodbye For Now

Today's BBAW topic is the last for this year: what did you get from this week?  Today's post is going to be the shortest one yet.  What can I say?  It's Friday.  It's been a great week and I've really got three things I've learned from this year's celebration:

1. The book blogging world is enormous and while it can be super overwhelming at times (how will I ever get to know anyone), I can start by just visiting a new blog or two.

2. There are so many great books that I will never get a chance to read.  It's ok.  But that doesn't mean I can't try :)

3.  Book blogging is still fun!  Keep doing it.

Thanks to everyone who stopped by my blog this week and for all the new blog friends (and books) I've been introduced to.  Special thanks to Amy, for putting in the work to make BBAW happen again this year.

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. "I can start by just visiting a new blog or two."

    I love this and all of your thoughts from Point #1. Technically, I follow/subscribe to an enormous amount of book blogs... but you're right, it's a lot. It's overwhelming. I try to take a couple days per month to go through as many different blogs as possible and read, comment, etc. But to maintain my sanity, I do tend to remain within a smaller "clique" (for lack of a better word) of bloggers with whom I connected on a somewhat deeper level.

    ANYWAY... BBAW was great, because I really did see a lot of great posts, met a lot of great people, and re-visited a lot of folks who I can't visit as often as I would like.

    1. It is hard to reach out sometimes. It sounds like you make some great efforts to do it, though. I love that BBAW reminds us to do it more often!

  2. Very well put! It's been such a good week. I will probably look at my Google Reader next week, with all the new blogs I subscribed to, and wonder what I've done, but I will enjoy exploring all the new blogs just the same. This week has definitely inspired me to continue blogging.

    1. So glad you found motivation to keep blogging too! It's great to be reinvigorated. Do not fear the google reader :)

  3. Excellent points! I agree that's what BBAW was all about for me, too!

  4. The book blogging world is huge, I'm with you on that one! Loving your resolution, visiting a blog or two. We'll never be able to visit everyone, but we can make a good effort. Too many books :( I've always said that if there's an afterlife there better be every book ever published or I'm not going ;)

    1. Ha ha! Definitely there need to be books in any kind of heaven :)

  5. Hmmm... couldn't figure out what to post today, and now I'm tempted to copy and paste yours! HA! But, we all know that, you know, would be bad... :) Happy end of BBAW to you!

    1. You know I wouldn't be too mad at you for copy and pasting - only cause it's you :) Glad to see you did post something, though!

  6. I'm glad I was able to participate this year in BBAW. I'll definitely be back next year! I'll be visiting your blog often! Good getting to know you and hope to get to know you more! :)

    1. Ah, thanks for visiting! I'm going to get over to your blog more too.

  7. Nice thoughts, and visiting one or two a day is great.

    Sometimes we connect with other bloggers and sometimes we don't, but regardless, we were exposed to a person and a blog and take away something no matter least I did.

    I found so many great blogs and more wonderful books. This was my first time participating.

    I got to know new bloggers and got to know my old blogger friends even better.

    It is has been a fabulous week. I loved it all.

    Stop by my blog if you like to see my Day 3, 4, and 5 responses if you like.

    Silver's Reviews

    1. Definitely even one visit can impact us, even if we never make it back again. Great thoughts!

  8. Yep, if we continue to enlarge our circle we will find how much more we have in common. That's awesome insight!! On the other hand, it keeps me from actually READING the books that are now on a ginormous long TBR list!! The good with the bad. I will never finish....

    1. I'm so with you. If only our enlarging circle of blog friends and towering piles would also come with an increase in time...

  9. This was such a fun week of blogging. I'm so excited to have discovered so many new (to me) blogs.


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