Wednesday, September 12, 2012

BBAW Day 3: The Meaning of Book Blogging

I've read a number of interesting posts about what book blogging means to bloggers.  Honestly, I'm struggling to come up with something that hasn't already been said, let alone said well.  Alas, this is my constant struggle in book blogging. :)  But, here is a short list of what book blogging means to me:

Book Blogging...
  • gives me a chance to ramble on about books I loved or talk about why I didn't love them
  • gives me a platform where other people can agree or disagree with those ramblings
  • adds ridiculous amounts of books to my already ridiculous pile of TBR
  • keeps me up-to-date (and way before publication date) on what new books are coming out
  • brings me in contact with hundreds of like-minded crazy-readers every day
  • provides a vast array of opinions on books I've read, books I haven't, and a huge number of other bookish topics
  • induces me to pick up hundreds of books I'd never have chosen on my own
  • provides a seemingly limitless number of online activities (from memes to read-a-thons to blog celebrations to read-alongs to get the point) that feed my need for book parties
  • allows me to interact with wonderful, amazing, thoughtful, and smart people I'd never get a chance to meet otherwise 

So, which of these do you agree with?  And what would you add?

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. All of these points are absolutely spot on. I've been reminded today about how great and loving this book blogging community is. My favorite is the last point you make--interacting with such fantastic folks. Happy BBAW!

    1. I love "meeting" so many different kinds of people, all with one thing in common!

  2. I think you covered all the bases. :-) My TBR collection has grown exponentially because of book bloggers like you--I'll never keep up at this rate.

    I do love the community aspect the most though. I enjoy talking about books and where else would I find so many people who are just as book crazed as I am?

    1. I think I've given up on keeping up :) Love finding folks as book-crazed as me too!

  3. Your post is awesome...very well said.

    NEW FOLLOWER of your blog.

    To Me....Blogging is all about the wonderful bloggers who make it happen and who help suggest new books.

    Stop by to see my post if you like.

    Have a fun day.

    Silver's Reviews

    1. A good book suggestion is always appreciated! Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Yes to all, especially the 3rd one (maybe good and bad?). I also like blogging because it keeps a creative flow going in my life. It makes me think deeply about the books I read, how they interact with my life, and write about it in a way that doesn't suck. :)

    1. Ooh, good addition Nikki! Definitely it's nice to have a place to write out our thoughts on books.

  5. yes---and your point: adding ridiculous amount of books to the tbr made me smile as I was just perusing my list this morning thinking--holy crap!--but in a happy sort of way.

    ~L (omphaloskepsis)

    1. It's both a challenge and a delight to have such towering TBR piles, isn't it?

  6. I liked all the points that you gave for your reasons :) I blog at a children's book blog. It's: Feel free to check it out. I'll be back to visit your blog! Happy BBAW :)

    1. Thanks for dropping in! I'm off to check out your BBAW posts.

  7. Great post! I love it that I get to know many book bloggers through blogging!!

    1. It makes meeting people rather easy for introverted folks like me :)


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