Monday, September 10, 2012

BBAW Day 1: Appreciate These Blogs

I love a lot of blogs.  I don't always let those bloggers know, through commenting or visiting enough, but here is a sampling of those blogs and bloggers who I can't seem to do without (and you'll see some of these mentioned in my interview tomorrow, sorry for the repeat):

I love reading Suey's blog, It's All About Books for her eclectic taste and unique voice;

Small Review always can convince me to pick up a book with her very persuasive reviews;

Susan at Bloggin' 'bout Books has eerily similar tastes to my own and tells it like she feels it;

Jenny at Alternate Readality gives uncensored and bluntly honest reviews;

Charlotte of Charlotte's Library keeps me up-to-date on my sci-fi and fantasy MG reads;

Stacked by Kimberly, Kelly, and Jen, who always have thoughtful discussions and in-depth reviews;

Kathy at Read This Instead has a unique and interesting reviewing style;

Emily (and Kylie and Andy) at Emily's Reading Room for their heartfelt, accessible, and thoughtful reviews; 

Enna of Squeaky Books who has fun reviews and lots of exciting contests, including her fabulous birthday bash;

Bonnie of A Backwards Story, who has the best collection of fairy tale reviews and celebrations of anyone I know;

Danielle of There's a Book who spotlights so many fabulous picture and MG books that I know I'll live on her site when I have kids.

Hopefully I've given you a few new sites to check out.  I'd love to know about a few of your favorites.

To find many, many more blogs, check out all the posts at the BBAW site.

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. A great list! I look forward to looking through them.

  2. I love Jenny's Blog and I always read Small Review and Stacked!

  3. Can't wait to find some new blogs -- thanks for the list!

  4. Aww, thanks for the mention! You know I love yours, too :) You mentioned some of my other favorites as well as some I've never heard of. Crazy how many awesome book blogs there are out there. Love it!

    1. I can't believe how many blogs there are! I guess I just gotta love the ones I know and find new ones to love too. Love yours, obviously.

  5. I like Stacked too. I hadn't heard of the other blogs before and I'm off to check them out. Thanks for sharing :-)

    1. Thanks for stopping by and glad to share the love.

  6. There's so many blogs out there! It often overwhelms me. :( I need to check some of the ones I haven't heard of yet. Thanks for the shout out.

    1. It totally overwhelms me too. I will often finally find new ones when it is forced upon me by such events as BBAW :)

  7. Thanks for including me on such a great list! Your blog is one of my own favorites...

    1. I'm happy to include you, since you do such a fabulous job with your blog!

  8. Thanks Melissa! I know and love quite a few of those blogs, so I'm off to check out the rest. :)


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