Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Reading Clean Giveaway Hop Sign-Ups

So, I'm co-hosting (with Clean Teen Fiction) one of Kathy at I'm a Reader, Not a Writer's famous giveaway hops, this one for clean reads.  You can sign up to host a giveaway on this hop below.

Read on below for more details about the hop!

September 6th - 12th
Featuring Clean Reads! Books free from sex, language and gratuitous violence.
Book you can share with anyone without hesitation be it your mother, daughter or little sister. 

Hop Rules
  • Your giveaway must be for a "Clean Read" (ie: free from sex, language, and gratuitous violence)
  • Only 1 mandatory entry, all others must be optional.  Keep it simple, no long lists of things for people to do.
  • Your blog & giveaway must be "family friendly".

To sign up to host a giveaway, click on the blue link at the bottom of the linky that Says "Click here to enter" and fill out the form with the following information:

Your Blog Name followed by where you will ship to in parentheses
Link to your Blog or Website
Email Address to send you a reminder email

If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Darn it, I have two giveaways going on at the moment, but neither could be considered clean reads. Bummer :(

    1. Well, maybe you will when the hop rolls around - in September :)

  2. Awesome giveaway theme! I'll have to see if I can think of a good title to giveaway.

    1. Wish I could take credit for it. Hope you join in!


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