Friday, August 3, 2012

I Actually NEED It, 14

I Actually NEED It is an extremely irregular feature where I express my desire, or rather need, for certain books that haven't come out or aren't available at my library yet.  To learn about the reason behind the name, check out my inaugural I Actually NEED It post.

It's been such a long time since I've done one of these and I've missed highlighting so many books I want to read.  But, better late than never for these ones.  Here are some fall books I'm excited to read:

Princess Academy: Palace of Stone by Shannon Hale
Ok, secret: I just finished this one a few days ago.  I love having more Miri and anything by Shannon Hale makes me feel happy.  Coming out in a few days!

Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas
Mixed reviews have not really discouraged me from trying this one out.  I love a good fantasy and though the cover isn't my favorite (she looks pretty, not assassin-like), I look forward to this one.  Out in a few days.

UnWholly by Neal Shusterman
Remember that long line I waited in just to get this book?  I haven't read it yet (kind of hoping I'll get a reread of Unwind first, but I might not be able to wait for it), but I'm so excited to have my brain blown again by Shusterman's skills.  Coming later this month!

Because It Is My Blood by Gabrielle Zevin
Another secret: I read this one already too.  It's an awesome follow-up to All These Things I've Done.  I love the ideas and the characters and honestly, Anya is so cool.  Coming September 2012.

What Came from the Stars by Gary Schmidt
Pretty much, this gets the award for "I'll read anything Schmidt writes" and I'm super excited to get some fantasy from a favorite MG author.  Coming September 2012.

Son by Lois Lowry
I was so happy to get this one at ALA and I have only been holding off while debating if I can reread the first three books in this sort-of series.  More in The Giver world?  I'll take it.  Coming October 2012.

The Arcade Catastrophe by Brandon Mull
Finally, a sequel to one of my favorite Brandon Mull books - The Candy Shop War.  I just have to note that I passed Brandon at the Shadow Mountain booth at ALA and practically cried when I saw they were out of ARCs.  And then they pulled one out just for me.  Such great people!! Coming October 2012.

Sapphire Blue by Kerstin Gier
I also managed to snag this one at ALA and I'm so happy to get more fun time travel goodness coming this October 2012.  I think I've had enough girls in pretty dresses covers, cause this one is meh for me.

The Crimson Crown by Cinda Williams Chima
One of the best recent epic fantasy series I've read.  I'm anxious for more of Raisa's adventures.  Coming October 2012.

Rebel Heart by Moira Young
I truly loved Blood Red Road and I can't wait to get more from Saba.  I could do without the cheesy cover makeover, since the HC for the first book was so fantastic, but I'm still anticipating October 2012.

Promised by Caragh M. O'Brien
I look forward to seeing where this last book in the series goes (I think it's the last), especially because Prized was such a surprise to me.  Anticipating October 2012.

Feedback by Robison Wells
The first book in the series, Variant, gets the award for craziest twist ending I've read in a while, so I can't wait to see what else Wells can pull out of his head.  Coming Oct 2012.

Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor
I love the writing, I love the characters, and I LOVE the covers (Daughter of Smoke and Bone is the first in the series).  I can't wait to have more of this story.  Coming November 2012.

Reached by Ally Condie
So thrilled we'll get to see the end of Cassia's journey.  And despite not loving the cover of Crossed, I'm back to loving this one. Especially the progression from that first book.  Wish we were at November 2012 already.

It's looking like October, in addition to being my birthday month, will bring loads of great reads!  What are you looking forward to?
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  1. Ahhh! Another Candy Shop War! YES! So excited.

    I read Throne of Glass and it was a bit of a disappointment. A lot of things just didn't click together and the characters were eh, not so great. I know some people really liked it but for me it was an okay read.

    1. I've heard good and bad about Throne of Glass. I hope it isn't too disappointing for me :) And yeah for another Candy Shop fan!

  2. Several of these are on my list, too (and a couple I didn't realize were coming so soon - thanks for the updates).

    I must confess that I didn't make it very far with Throne of Glass - the writing style didn't work for me. But a lot of people like it ...

    1. Wow, I guess I need to go into Throne with a lot lower expectations. Thanks!

  3. There is a lot of fun stuff to look forward too. I didn't realize that a few of them were coming out so soon. I can't wait for the last Seven Realms book or Palace of Stone.

    Yay :)

    1. That Seven Realms book gets me all excited, though I hope I didn't forget everything from before - they are too long for me to reread. :)

  4. I absolutely can't wait for Reached & Rebel Hearts. They're going to be so epic. I also can't wait for Throne of Glass. I've heard nothing but great reviews so far which makes me even more excited! I should really pick up Unwind. It sounds awesome. :)

    1. Definitely give Unwind a try - it is so different and so good.

  5. These posts make me crazy! I think your NEED is a contagious disease. ;)

    1. Is it mean that this makes me happy? I love to share my NEED :)

  6. Dang! There are a lot of books on here that I want to read ... I'll need to bookmark this!

    1. And unfortunately no image here for pinning :(, but I figured it out anyway :).

    2. Sorry! I guess none of the covers work? I'm still trying to figure the whole pinterest thing out :)

  7. Yes, yes, yes! Our tastes are so similar, it's scary. I haven't read any of these, but I want to read ALL of them. I did pre-order UNWHOLLY because that's the one I really, really, really can't wait for!

    1. This is why I like you so much! I've really just got to dive into UnWholly, whether I get to reread Unwind or not!


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