Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Character Switch

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and today's topic is which characters you'd like to swap places with for 24 hours.  I had a hard time at first, but when I remembered that only 24 hours meant I didn't have to experience some of the less awesome stuff, I was able to decide.

Hermione of Harry Potter
I think I'd like to experience Hogwarts, but definitely not in some of the later books.  Early on, for sure.

Elizabeth Bennett of Pride and Prejudice
I do tend to adore Jane Austen and though Persuasion is my favorite, I think Lizzy doesn't have quite as sad of an experience through most of the book.  Of course, I'd want that 24 hours to correspond with when she and Darcy finally come to an understanding :)

Anne Shirley of Anne of Green Gables 
Oh, Anne.  I seriously have wanted to be you for a long time and I would definitely love to finally be you right when you finally figure out you do love Gilbert (and he still loves you, of course).

Amy of Across the Universe
So, things aren't exactly awesome for her, but I'd pick 24 hours of when she actually gets to see what's outside the ship.  Traveling in space?  Yes, please.

Kendra of Fablehaven
Definitely Fablehaven is an awesome place to hang out (most of the time), I'd probably want to be her for when the stuff with the fairies happen (in case anyone hasn't read it, don't want to spoil it for you).

Cammie of Gallagher Girls
Preferably not when someone is trying to kill her, but when she's doing something cool and spy-like. Who doesn't secretly want to be a spy?

Flavia of Flavia de Luce books
Smart, sassy, and totally a genius when it comes to solving mysteries (and torturing her older sisters), I'd definitely want a chance to feel the smart juices in my veins.

Cassia of Matched
Probably only during the sweet times of sneaking poetry with Ky and not when everything seems to fall apart :)

Mary of The Agency
All right, this is honestly just for James.  He's so hot!  Anytime they are on good terms with one another, preferably.

Cinder of the Lunar Chronicles
Never been a cyborg before and her Prince Kai is pretty darn cute.  I'll take the good times, please.

As you can see, I would totally pick and choose exactly when I got to be them, since I don't need to have any of their problems, thank you.

Who would you want to trade places with?

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  1. Love your picks, especially your top three. Hermione is just awesome all over, and who wouldn't want to trade places with the women in two of literature's greatest love stories?

    1. Ah, so true. I think we all want to be in those great love stories at some point :)

  2. Oh, I forgot about Flavia...but I did remember our pal Jacky Faber! I would love to trade with just about anyone at Hogwarts for a day. It's quite brave of you to be a cyborg for a day, bravo!

    1. Good old Jacky - I decided I'd rather read about her than live her life :)

  3. Interesting choices :)

  4. You'd think with reading P&P right now that I would've chose Lizzy, especially since I think Mr. Darcy is awesome now. But, no, I forgot. Sigh.

    1. No worries, I forgot a number of excellent people I'd want to be :)

  5. Hermione and Cinder, yes please.

    1. Glad I'm not alone in my desire to be a cyborg for a day.

  6. Great picks! I'd love to switch places with either Amy or Cassia. It would be kind of strange to be frozen for quite a while though... :)

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yeah, I'd definitely pick sometime after being unfrozen - wouldn't want to wake up like she did :)

  7. These are great choices. I love Flavia...she's amazing...

  8. Definitely agree on your first three. I also like Emily, Anne of Green Gables sister series. Prue in Precious Bane had some hard times, but she ended up having a lovely, peaceful life, that I could appreciate :).

    1. Prue I could handle being near the end of her story, but maybe not early on. I've only read one Emily book and I liked it, so I better remedy that :)


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