Thursday, July 12, 2012

Book Review: Out of Sight, Out of Time by Ally Carter

Out of Sight, Out of Time by Ally Carter
Publisher: Disney/Hyperion
Publication date: March 2012
Pages: 304
Source: Library
For: Fun
Series: Gallagher Girls, Book 5

When Cammie wakes up in a remote convent far from home, she is understandably confused. But, when she discovers she's forgotten the last several months of her life, confused doesn't begin to cover it. Chased and possibly caught by the Circle of Cavan, facing hostile friends she left behind, unsure of what she said and did, Cammie wants desperately to remember what she did. But there are some who don't want her to remember. At any cost.

Things I Liked:
My opinion of this series has certainly changed over the course of the books.  For the better.  It's evolved, for me, from fluff to substance, I think.  I'm always swept away in the exciting spy-packed stories from this series, but this one was particularly interesting.  It's darker and more sinister than previous books.  But, it also still has the humor and fun of the others too.  I loved watching Cammie try to unravel her summer and also unravel who she is and what she wants.  It had plenty of surprises, fun twists, and action scenes.  Plus, what person doesn't secretly want to be a spy and go on missions to fabulous foreign lands? 

Things I Didn't Like:
I have to admit that even more than usually in this series, I had to suspend my belief.  Most of this came at the end, but still.  And I did see some of the twists coming, but not everything.  I kinda wish we had gotten a little more of the story progressing than we did, but I'll be interested to see what happens in the next book. 

Read the first four Gallagher Girls books first
Heist Society series by Ally Carter

s-factor: ! 
maybe one or two...

mrg-factor: none

v-factor: ->
I did mention it was a bit darker, right?  Also a bit more violent.

Overall rating: ****

Guess I don't read a lot of spy books.  Any other read-alikes you guys can think of?

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  1. These sound a bit more exciting than Sweet Valley High. But, maybe I'm wrong, I never did read many of them.

  2. I've yet to read any of these but I'm finding YA mysteries often ask you to suspend belief. Mostly it's OK, but I have to admit it can get tiresome.

    1. But these ones are so fun, it's easy for me to suspend disbelief...for a while anyway :)

  3. As long as a book is funny, I can suspend as much disbelief as necessary! I haven't tried these yet. Once a book gets past one or two in a series, I hate to start it without knowing it's worth it, so thanks for your advice that they get better over the course of the series!

    1. These are totally worth picking up - I love seeing the progression instead of just having the same plot rehashed over and over.


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