Wednesday, June 27, 2012

July Dune Read-Along

Remember way back when I mentioned doing a Dune Read-Along?  Yeah, I didn't forget.  I think I've worked out the details enough to get this party rolling for July.  Here's what I have so far, utilizing the fabulous structure and questions from Carl of Stainless Steel Droppings' July 2011 read-along.

Since the book is split into three sections, we will read one section per week in July (starting the second week, for my own convenience sake - I'm on vacation that first week :).  Then at the end of that week, we'll each post answers to some or all of the questions or any other discussion thoughts we might have about it.  Anyone who's read Dune in the past is more than welcome to post answers to the questions or join in the discussions. 

July 8-14: Book 1, discussion questions posted on July 14th
July 15-21: Book 2, discussion questions posted on July 21st
July 22-28: Book 3, discussion questions posted on July 28th

If you are interested, leave a comment and maybe post about your intentions on your blog, spread the word, whatever you feel like, and prepare to start the read-along!  Thanks for your participation.
If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. Oh, I forgot about this! I'm so excited! I've been in a slight reading slump. I think this will help me out of it! :)

  2. PS--Do you want me to make a graphic for the read-along?

    1. Absolutely! I was going to grab one of my photos of a sand dune and slap one together, but yours would probably be so much awesomer. If you have time, that would be great!

    2. Kay, I made one. It's in my introductory post to the read-along on my blog. I even used the Dune font!!! I hope you like it.

  3. Can I participate in the discussion, even if I don't get to reading the book again in July?

    1. Yes you can! In fact, the more discussion the merrier, I think. Can't imagine why you wouldn't have limitless time to read this again next month :)

  4. Sigh! This is one I'd love to read someday but this month just isn't going to work for me. I look forward to our posts about it, though. I love reading such in depth analysis of books!

    1. No worries! Hope you get around to it sometime :)

  5. I'm in! My copy is patiently waiting on my shelf!

  6. I was planning on re-reading Dune next actually and I can't wait to see what everyone else thinks of it.

    1. Hooray! Can't wait for others' thoughts on it too (and it's my first time, so I'm thrilled).


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