Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Armchair Bea, Day 2: Giveaway!

Design credit: Nina of Nina Reads.
So, I'm hosting a giveaway for Armchair BEA participants today! (For more giveaways, check out the linky at the Armchair BEA site.) I love to do a choose your own book type of giveaway, so I have a list of books and the winner will get to pick one book from the stack.  The only requirements are that you be 13 years old and have a US address.  Fill out the form below and then tell me in the comments one good thing about not making it to BEA in NY this year :)

(I know, my picture-taking skills astound me too)
The Unwanteds by Lisa McMann, audio CDs
Dreamland by Alyson Noel, audio CDs
Destined by P.C. Cast, audio CDs
Tempest by Julie Cross, audio CDs
What Happened on Fox Street by Tricia Springstubb, HC
Wildwood by Colin Meloy, ARC
Father of Lies by Anne Warren Turner, HC
Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini, HC
Stunning by Sara Shepard, HC
Northanger Alibi by Jenni James, PB
The Best of the Best by Tim Green, HC
The Magnificent 12 by Michael Grant, HC
Kiss Crush Collide by Christina Meredith, ARC
The Final Four by Paul Volponi, ARC
Restitution by Kathy Kacer, PB
The Ivy: Secrets by Lauren Kunze and Rina Onur, HC

Good luck and thanks for stopping by!

Contest Closed - Winner chosen.
If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage


  1. The best thing about not being at BEA is that I'm on vacation in Florida!

  2. Thanks for the giveaway! Ironically, the best thing about not going to BEA is that I have tons of time to read - I'm currently averaging a book a day.

    1. That is a LOT of books - and yeah for more reading time!

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog....I see one book on your giveaway that I recently won in a contest.

    Enjoy your day!

    1. Oops...it was Kiss Crush Collide. Haven't read it yet.

    2. Ah, I haven't read that one yet, but hopefully someone can enjoy it! Thanks for stopping by.

  4. The best thing about not going to BEA in NY is I get to stay home and see my daughter's 6th grade graduation today. :) Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  5. The one good thing is I have more time to read

    1. There's definitely more reading time with Armchair BEA :)

  6. I know others have said this already, but it's true! I have so much time to read right now, it's awesome! :)

    1. I've definitely got more time to do stuff, I just wish it was reading I got to do :)

  7. One good thing about not making it there is that I won't be spending a fortune in hotels/food/gas, etc.

    1. Yes! Which was one reason I didn't make it there in the first place :)

  8. Hmm I guess it's good I'll be able to make my car payment this month ;)

    1. Car payment is not as exciting, but certainly the better choice :)

  9. the commiseration and community via the armchair bea?

    L (omphalospkepsis)

    1. I love the community building from my armchair. And the commiserating with folks in my situation, too!

  10. For me, it's my finances. My finances won't suffer from all the spending I'd do in NYC, not that I'd have a lot. But, still. ;)

    1. Same here! Couldn't afford it, so my pocketbook stays happy if not full :)

  11. The best thing about not going to BEA is that I got to sleep super late and lounge in my jammies all day long! That's a big deal. Oh, and I have access to more food. And I can read in-between meeting people and entering giveaways! Thanks for the opportunity to win yours!

    - Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl

    1. I like the more relaxed feel too, though I still have to work, so no jammies or sleeping in for me :)

  12. One good thing about not making it to BEA is that I get loads of time with my boyfriend! We're in a long distance relationship so I really value all the time we can spend together!

    1. That's a much better use of your time! So glad you get to see each other.

  13. I like your positive spin on this question :) Let's see, one good thing about not going to BEA is that it's supposed to be rainy and cool all week. Plus, I don't have to deal with the traffic getting in and out of the city. AND I'm not attending BEA this year because I just moved to Texas, and moving from NY to Texas has been beyond awesome! So giving up BEA for that is well worth it. :D Oops, I think that's a few more than one reason (can you tell I'm excited to not live in NY anymore??)

    1. I don't think I'd like to live in NY either, but visiting can be nice sometimes. Oh, the traffic! That should count for like 10 reasons :)

  14. Thanks for the giveaway! I guess a good thing about NOT being in NY for BEA this year would be saving all the money that it would take to go and meeting all you awesome fellow bloggers! :)

    1. Love that we can save $ and meet people - it's a win-win!

  15. The best part is doing Armchair BEA!

  16. The best part about NOT going is more time to blog and read and more money for more books!!

    1. Time and money are huge! It's nice to have a bit more of both :)

  17. No lines! And no fighting and stampeding for ARCs.

  18. I'd have to second a lot of what Jana said! Sleeping in, staying in my PJs, not having to put makeup on or deal with massive crowds all day...definitely an upside! Lol.

    1. Definitely nice not to put on the crowd face for everyone.

  19. I think it'd definitely be all the people I've ended up meeting and getting to work on my own schedule! Great giveaway!

  20. Great contest! I have been loving connecting with other bloggers even though I'm not at BEA.

  21. one good thing about not making it to BEA in NY this year :) ? i'm able to complete my own manuscript for the required deadline !
    thanks for the giveaway generosity and FuN ! :)

  22. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity! One good thing about not being at the actual event is being able to browse a whole host of blogs I'd never seen before.

    I hope you have a great BEA-filled week!

    ~Christina (and the other Book Hookup Litbrarians)
    Book Hookup’s aBEA giveaway: One book of your choice!

    1. I love the variety and selection of book blogs we can discover.

  23. Thank you, so much for the giveaway. I hope you have been having a wonderful Armchair BEA experience! :)

    Suz @ A Soul Unsung
    Armchair Bea Introudction @ A Soul Unsung
    Armchair BEA Day #2: Best of 2012

  24. Turns out my husband had a business trip during the BEA days, so I needed to be home with my kids. I consider it a good thing that I didn't have to worry about finding someone to stay with them, and then stress about it while away from home.

    1. So glad you got to avoid that stress! I'd worry too :)

  25. The best think about not being there is the fact that I feel like I'm there because of Armchair BEA. I've found so many great blogs I hadn't visited before!
    Thanks for the opportunity to win!

    1. It does feel like the networking doesn't it? Except in our jammies :)

  26. Saving money and dodging the crowds are definitely upsides, but I still really, really, really want to go someday!

  27. I have to say that I really ache to go to BEA, but since I'm still a minor, it is not really possible. I can honestly say that I have so much work to do before school ends next week, so it is nice to see how BEA is going from home.

  28. Oh wow! Amazing giveaway. Thank you! One good thing is that I saved a bunch of money so that I can be in my best friends wedding. Weddings are so expensive!

  29. I loved ABea because I got to participate in BEA while in sweats!


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